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Everything posted by erkha343

  1. I agree, while the devs are focusing on resources and more advanced stuff, they're forgetting the basic things. -moving parts -navball antinormal and such markers -moving parts -better smoke and flame effects -better atmospheric flight -heatshields -fairings and proper engine mounts -saving assemblies -better flight planning -the rest of the interiors, and adding more instrumentation (like ap and pe markers inside the cabin) -more symmetry options in both VAB and SPH -and much more that I can't remember right now I value that, way above having some resources to mine, which is awesome on it's own, but why go into that, when we haven't got the basics done yet? I'm not saying these aren't planned, or that the devs are not working hard, all I'm saying is that I think that they could prioritize the basic stuff, then move on to the more complex expansion like stuff.
  2. Mech-jeb Nova Punch Electrical engineering DIY satellite pack those are my must have.
  3. Actually, the higher the pressure, the harder it gets to melt something.
  4. Gas giants Have a thick atmosphere, compared to earth, but they're mostly liquid. First you have a gaseous atmosphere, then a VERY deep liquid layer, and in the middle a solid core.
  5. Well yeah, for the campaign I'm all for realism, but I want a easy and fast way to make ships in sandbox mode. Ships that launch in vacuum and in low gravity environments.
  6. What do you mean? We build a Spaceport, we assemble craft's, then launch them.
  7. Land on the Mun and return home safely?
  8. Which ones, and why? It is sandbox mode...
  9. If we have now sandbox mode, and there will be a career mode, could we maybe get a KSC on the Mun, for big interplanetary ship, with large crews and crafts that just can't be used inside the atmosphere?
  10. Thanks for clearing that out.
  11. Can I trough the config make Duna have always a thin atmosphere? Right now you can land with a parachute...
  12. cart's mod, it's in the plugin forum
  13. that's the Dev console, I want the orbit changer thingy :c
  14. When Nova was posting pictures of 0.17, he was often using a tool, much like the dev console, to put ships in orbit around other bodies. How can we use this tool? I want to use this to train powered landings on Duna, since there are no training scenarios and we're not able to make scenarios yet.
  15. I agree, the tower should be removed ot made optional, the launch clamps are more that enough, soyuz style.
  16. After sending 2 probes to Duna, an orbiting satellite to find a landing spot and an atmospheric probe to prepare for rover landings and manned missions. The Duna Magellan Rover was sent to explore the geology of Duna, landing at the equator, going up an ancient ocean bed, and up into the polar icecap. http://imgur.com/a/Hmnvl
  17. AN=Ascending node DN=Descending node AN=Burn prograde to make transfer DN=Burn prograde to do the opposite AN & DN is usually used for transfers though.
  18. No, it's not that, I have other ships with long names, and it doesn't do that, It's just some letters that make it do that. R, L and some others...
  19. Certain letters make the orbital info become bugged for me. R, L and some other letters make it shift position and look weird.
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