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Everything posted by Dropbear67

  1. Today I killed two space tourists.. Unfortunately the separator was on the wrong side of their crew compartment and when I decoupled the engine stage as re-entry started, they floated away with it, to their fiery doom. OOPS... I honestly sat there with my mouth open for a good 5 seconds before cussing ..
  2. I managed to assemble my brand new shiny space station. It has a Mk 1 lander can as the central hub, with docking ports (normal size, not junior or senior) on all sides and science modules hanging off the side of those. After the station was built I launched a ferry craft to bring up the crew, docked, and then found that I could not transfer any of the crew out of my command pod into the lander can. Should the kerbals be able to transfer from the command pod to the lander can through the docking port? If so what actions do I need to take to "open" the docking port to allow transfer - does this need to be done before or after docking? I did manage to EVA out all the crew and get them settled but that was kind of a let down to be honest. Basically the setup was Lander Can:Docking Port -><- Docking Port: Mk2 Command Pod.
  3. Well i can happily say that it works really well, and I'm happy with the functionality. Now to find a mod that will roll my ship to be dorsal side up with a click of the button as I can never seem to get that orientation right. It's always useful when left is left and right is right
  4. I'm writing this at work so don't have kerbal in front of me right now, but I'm learning how to dock and am finding the translational RCS keys "hjklin" very unintuitive when it comes to steering using them. I would REALLY like to set up the RCS thrusters to use my numpad .. ie 4/6 left right 8/2 up down, +- forward backward etc.. Do I make these changes in the input section ONLY in the translation control section of the setup screen? Is this something anyone else does?
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