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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. @iamn00b no fact three is false. I only have 2 dachunds.
  2. Pizzas were originally called big Italian cookies.
  3. Yes you ordered potatoes soup. Waiter! There’s a BC ferry in my soup!
  4. The exploding bus might help ease social stress Has anyone seen new marvel Bat Man movie with paw patrol crossover?
  5. Granted. I say it doesn't. I wish for all the Calvin and Hobbes collection books.
  6. “Going down the road” -Stan Rogers
  7. Yes you got UFO soup Waiter! There’s cereal in my soup.
  8. Yes you orders ‘Murcia soup actress edition Waiter! There’s a Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft In my soup!
  9. “We’re living in, in a modern world” -electric light orchestra
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