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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. No but I want to visit South Africa one day… TUBM is wearing a shirt with something aviation related on it.
  2. 56 BOTTLES OF Beer on the wall 56 bottles of beer tAkE one Dooown pass it around 55 boTTles of beer on the wall
  3. And wait! Not only post trucks but what about trains? Like this VIA rail railway post office car?
  4. Granted, but it’s not KSP content. I wish for a rocket Dachshund
  5. No, but very close. TUBM has 1000-2000 rep
  6. 60 specialty shaped containers filled with barley fluid on the wall, 60 specialty shaped containers filled with barley! take one down, consume it using your mouth from which it is then swallowed by your skeletal, pharynx, and esophagus muscles and the broken down further by you stomach which is then taken to your smaller intestine to consume all the good stuff and is then passed through you large intestine and is then urinated out though [forum appropriate word] or your [forum appropriate word] and into a toilet, hopeful. oh I allmost forgot! 59 specially shaped containers filled with barley on the wall!
  7. Yeah. the user below me has a rep count starting with 1
  8. > means less than so I dunno why you said correct also mr spiff no TUBM has more than 750 rep
  9. My pfp is rasputin! This one is from oversimplified! 9/10 crane
  10. Good one, but no. TUBM has > 1000 rep points
  11. It’s simple: guess if the user below you has greater than a specific number or lower. I start: TUBM has < 500 rep (less than 500). edit: please don’t choose an absurdly large or small number.
  12. I dunno what super heavy means. Largest thing I put on the mun and was a huge 2.5m lander with 4 2.5m side boosters. But there was also a time when I but down a space station TUBM enjoys swimming in salt water (oceans) over fresh water (lakes).
  13. The first forum game was posted on December 31st 1969. Unless some dude is magical and made this happen by going back in time why is this?
  14. Congrats on 12k rep :D 

  15. 64 bottles or brain messing liquid on the wall, 64 bottles of brain messing liquid take one down, chug it down 63 bottles of brain messing liquid on the wall
  16. Yeah! KSP is one of those nice communities where 99.9% of the time people get along
  17. I searched Kerbal space program and the only other server is Matt Lownes discord.
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