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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. Granted, but since I did not read the last parts of the page before this, you don’t get it. I wish for a working T-55
  2. Granted, a bunch of drunk unicorns devour the earth. I wish for something simple without it being complicated.
  3. Granted, the software is in Spanish because you got the South American version.
  4. Granted, but it’s a pirate polish version and you can’t change the language. I wish for a MI-2 helicopter. Granted, the universe is swallowed by a drunk unicorn
  5. Fun fact: this song was used to scramble Soviet radio controlled mines during ww2. The fins blasted this song for 2.6 days straight to scramble mines.
  6. Yes TUBM enjoys Pepsi over Coca Cola
  7. Here is a song about the mega thread: (To the tune of when Johnny comes marching home again). The mega thread has opened again hurah! Hurah! Well celebrate by posting again hurah! Hurah! not only that the summers here, it’s the longest day of the year and well all start posting when the mega thread opens again. (sorry for those in the Southern Hemisphere).
  8. Yeah two dachunds and a cat TUBM has been on a helicopter
  9. Stormpilot

    Random facts

    The fins played a song over the radio for 2.6 days to jam Soviet radio controlled mines. Or as I like to say: Finnish scrambles minds, while this song scrambles mines.
  10. Did you know if a wiener dog eats enough Taco Bell it can propel its self to enough velocity that the wings (ears) can produce lift? Once in space they can destroy earth with laser eyes.
  11. Banned for posting 6 hours and 43 minutes before the mega thread opens.
  12. No TUBM has a flight, driving, or any king of sim rig.
  13. What’s Metroid? TUBM has a love hate relationship with a game (for me WT)
  14. Meh sorta, kinda enjoy squeezing them. TUBM has had to call 911 (or whatever the emergency number is where you live) before.
  15. Or what about a passenger module at 3.75 that can seat, say about 15 kerbals?
  16. I don’t know Czech, but this song is super catchy:
  17. Fact one: I have seen the first 747 built (city of Everett) in a museum. Fact two: I have been to the Boeing manufacturing facilities in Everett. Fact three: I have been to Winnipeg Manitoba.
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