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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. 25 times three bottles of beer on the wall, 25 times three bottles of beer, take one down pass it around, 74 bottles of beer on the wall!
  2. You cannot like rockets while at the same time playing KSP! TUBM has joined the forums before me.
  3. Banned for having a username beginning with kerb
  4. Fact three is false. @Starhelperdude no number one is false
  5. Banned for banning the banner who banned the banner who also banned the supersuper banner.
  6. Nope, he’s busy dealing with his parents after nailing Susie derkins in the head with a snowball. will @Starhelperdude arrive?
  7. Calling 911 to ask where the nearest toilet is (actually that might make sense if you really need to go).
  8. Yes! TUBM could really go for a grilled cheese sandwich right now
  9. He’s busy dealing with rebel cells @Yoda
  10. Fact one: I have been to Alaska Fact two: I have been to poland Fact three: I have been to the UK
  11. Hmmm, number one. @Dientus wrong my number one is false.
  12. Yes I do! so dose @Starhelperdude maybe?
  13. Yeah. TUBM dose modle railroading.
  14. I have 747 rep, just like the Boeing 747, one of the worlds first wide body airliners.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JB182


      761, no boeing 761

    3. Starhelperdude


      I like the B-737, I prob. only flew with it, or maybe I'm mixing it up with the a-350 or smth.

    4. Singhnaut
  15. Oof missed a summon! @Spaceman.Spiff accept my apology
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