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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. Yeah, I had a probe yeet up to jool and get a gravity assist. From there I burn prograde at the sun periapsis and bam, I have reached THE cOLD DArK REACHES OF D I SS TA NT SPAcE! TUBM has over 1500 hours on KSP.
  2. I would whisper into my mic and say: “it’s free real estate.”
  3. Yeah. maybe @Spaceman.Spiff Also agrees?
  4. Yeah. Windows 10 and on laptop windows 7 TUBM is a human
  5. No only jelly beans How to spontaneously combust?
  6. In case of emergency, declare emergency.
  7. You have 777 content count. Just like the Boeing 777, the largest twin engine jet airliner.


  8. Nope. TUBM has seen the Apollo 11 crew capsule in person (I have).
  9. Speaking of Xbox MFS2020 is coming to Xbox and so is a top gun update with a f-18 and aircraft carrier! This is the cascades line. It runs from Vancouver BC Canada to somewhere in Oregon.
  10. He no longer need help. @Melontime please return!
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