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  1. So my solar panels have been producing double the electric charge that they are supposed to produce, the panels still read default numbers ie 1.6 ec/s for the basic 1x6 panels and AmpYear does too, however the actual charge produced is double. My thought after trying to find the offending mod and fix it, which was not successful, I decided mm patch might fix it but the patch i've created either doesn't work or is unable to fix the issue as it is coded into a mod. Can any one of the brilliant minds out there check the patch to see if the patch was built right and should work or if it needs tweaking. Thanks to anyone who reads this post and double thanks if you can also help, even if it is pointing in right direction. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel],@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]]:FINAL { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @chargeRate = *0.5 } }
  2. Please! Please! Help BIG Question for KSPIE, I have tried to solve the problem myself but have had little success in doing much more than determining that this mod, when installed, seems to cause my solar panels to produce exactly twice as much electric charge as they are rated for and since the part in game and in there cfg files read the original ratio, as does AmpYear, yet the amount produced in game is double what it says, I could get screenshot if I am too vague. My major question comes to Solar incidence/radiance, does KSPIE make any alterations to solar incidence/radiance or does it perhaps add a multiplier to moduledeployablesolarpanles or something that is not evident, as I have searched KSPIE cfg files but found nothing that seems connected. I have also searched the forums and did not find anything, although 138 pages is a lot to try to look through, hence the post.
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