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Everything posted by Svevlad

  1. No, it only happens with IR parts. I do not know why. You can test it in a VAB also, you do not need to launch it in order to test this. every time I move some curve which controls some IR part the frame drops. It can be easily seen if you pack more IR parts in KAL ( the more IR parts you assign to be controled with KAL the more obvious frame drop gets)
  2. Does anyone have a problem with IR parts in combination with KAL? I am experiencing a big framedrop for all creations every time I try to animate them in KAL. It becomes a big pain if you have some complex IR robotics creations. Everything works ok if you move them via IR editor but just as you try to animate those parts in KAL the frame drops even as you move curves
  3. Can someone PLEASE explain to me how to make the sequencer work? My infernal robotics mod was installed via CKAN but there was no compatible installation of sequencer available on it so I tried to copy it manually to the IR folder. It DOES NOT work at all. My KSP version is 1.6.0 2395. I have all the IR parts installed including the IR control unit but still it does not work nor I can see any sequencer window anywhere
  4. I can model anything you want regarding this mod, just say what you need. I love this mod! I stopped playing KSP when it became incompatible with this mod. So if there is anything you need, just ask
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