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Delta dart

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Everything posted by Delta dart

  1. If sn9 sticks the landing and a museum requests it for a display would they give it to them or would they scrap it? TRI VENT! And condensation!
  3. Tank farm activity maybe SN7.2 is gonna pop! Nope SN9 is being loaded for static fire/WDR or maybe just maybe a flight.
  4. Looks like they might attempt to get another TFR for today judging by his reaction and the fact that they are continuing with launch procedures.
  5. According to the NSF stream they are attempting to launch.
  6. I missed SN7 and SN7.1 so I would like to catch 7.2.
  7. Its official. At least today they might take advantage of the opportunity and make SN7.2 pop.
  8. It was an out of date TFR that was cancelled and there is one still active.
  9. No official announcement of a scrub or signs of it apart from a fake Elon tweet.
  10. So we still gonna fly cuz some sources indicate the one that was cancelled was an earlier version and there is still an active one.
  11. Lift is moving away! Never mind he is moving back. Okay NOW he moved.
  12. POV the guy on the lift: Your in a basket a hundred feet in the air while arming a bomb on the side of a flying building while your watching your friends drive away from the pad.
  13. Do we have an estimate for when the flight will occur?
  14. I wouldn't consider a rocket with so many engines that it wants to plummet to the ground "normal".
  15. Probably if the weather changes. SN8 flew one day after its first aborted flight attempt at T- 1 second.
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