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Delta dart

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Everything posted by Delta dart

  1. The Duna Dropship is one of the default craft from the wiki https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Example-Craft-Files#duna-class-dropship. And my issue isn't with the craft and rather me not understanding how to actually build a base and assemble it on the surface. I also don't know how to open parts and that is most of the issue. Edit: I found out how to place parts using KIS but I still have yet to figure out how to deploy parts. Edit again: I figured out how to deploy parts and am building my first Mun base!
  2. How do I even assemble a base? I have the Duna Dropship and I loaded it up on Kerbin and I have no idea how to assemble it.
  3. If it sticks the landing I'll edit it with the "Mom get the camera" kid.
  4. Coast guard has finished clearing boats from the area. TRI VENT!
  5. On the Everyday Astronaut stream he said that there was a Cessna in the airspace.
  6. We have word that there was a Cessna in the airspace that caused the pause.
  7. Snate please don't take Starhopper with you! SCRUB
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