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Delta dart

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Everything posted by Delta dart

  1. I took the wings off an f-104 and made it a rover and then drove it up a mountain.
  2. I finished it with a time of 10 minutes due to the craft being so low to the ground it would frequently get stuck and/or explode but after several quicksaves I successfully made it to the top. I wasn't going for speed I was just going for looks. Fun fact this craft without the juno engine can reach mach 2 on the north pole.
  3. Here is my car, it has a Saturn afterburning engine from bdarmory (no rules against mods) a custom made F-104 cockpit and a juno engine to keep the nose down. also what are the coordinates of the base of the mountain so I don't have to build a plane to carry it.
  4. Welp back to the drawing board. My rover was a falcon 9 from kk launcher pack with wheels. As expected the kraken absolutely hates it and when I activate the engines all the wheels break and it explodes. Edit: It is done.
  5. Old firespitter had that bug and Hooliganlabs did and I think the old version of opt. I think that it was caused by the part being massively tall physically but most of its hitbox is noncollieable so it spawns high in the air to avoid colliding with the surface despite it not being solid. I saw a thread when I was having this issue myself in 1.5.1 despite the thread being in 1.3.1 it had a universal solution, parachutes or if your feeling kerbalish retro rockets. It was the float landing gear.
  6. Do yall think that the first super heavy booster will be a hopper like Grasshopper and Starhopper because I think it will be unable to mount starship on top of it and will just have a nosecone and be like F9R (anybody remember f9r) as both of the hoppers have fixed landing gear and the latest super heavy design has landing gear. I guess we'll know in a bit because we have images of the pieces of the booster.
  7. That always happens to me for some reason
  8. If solar sails are possible does that mean we can make a space-ship?
  9. Because its Venus, it rains acid. If I was an alien I wouldn't want to be trapped inside and not go outside or else you instantly die.
  10. Can access the site but takes me to the "This Site is Unavailable Right Now" page when I try to download a mod. Edit: fixed
  11. One adjusts the physics range and the other changes something about the camera I just set it to 0 because it causes glitching for me if I set it above 0.
  12. I fixed my issue by the way by downloading KJR.
  13. Great news the mod I was looking at works great although the energia in the mod is broken (even with KJR parts fall off) Buran works just fine and is a recommended mod for anybody who has TantaresLV and wants to launch something other than polyus (I still love polyus though) with the energia. And for Cormorant Aeronology I will be trying that out as I already have crazy Ideas of docking a buran to space shuttle Atlantis.
  14. This thread just turned into a flame war about i dont even know what so it should probably be locked for the sake of my sanity.
  15. Hi I want to know if I can download just the orbiter I know this thread has been dead for a while but I still have hope in this mod in conjunction with tantares by @Beale If I use energia from tantares with buran from this mod it may fix several issues with the launch vehicle (parts falling off or breaking, kraken, etc).
  16. I am currently looking everywhere for an up to date buran mod because I found one by @Alcentar but its old and hasn't been updated since 1.5.1 but ill try anything and judging by some of the more recent posts it seems to work in 1.9.1 so if it works it is an automatic recommendation to go with this mod. (Although it does include energia and polyus).
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