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Delta dart

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Everything posted by Delta dart

  1. If they ever mention dismantling Starhopper I will start a Gofundme to preserve it at some museum.
  2. I know I misunderstood Spacex's tweet and thought that it had launched.
  3. Something I was wondering about cargo dragon 2 is whether or not it will only have 2 fins. I have a 3d model of dragon 2 cargo and it only has 2 fins, I know why they would chose to remove 2 fins because solar panels are only mounted to 2 of the fins and the fins are pretty much only useful in an abort and because of the removal of the Super Dracos makes it impossible to abort but I don't know if this will be on CRS-21 or if it was just an earlier proposal that was integrated into this model. Here's the link if your interested: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4659177/files
  4. Is anybody else's models super low rez?? I see in the screenshots that it is high rez but on my screen the models are so pixely that I can't make out the word "Spacex" on the size of the dragon spacecraft.
  5. Are there any plans to add original Cargo Dragon because the only mods that add Dragon are Kerbalized Spacex (and that one is low rez and as the name states is Kerbalized and not true to life) Tundra Exploration and that is Kerbal scale and it doesn't have the Spacex markings. I know we have the boilerplate Dragon but it is only useful when recreating the Falcon 9's first flight.
  6. Not exactly but I can't describe it so I recommend reading the Wikipedia article on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Scout_1 (It also was a Blue Scout [funny how Air Force space programs would begin with "Blue" Blue Scout, Blue Gemini, ETC])
  7. Anybody here heard of Mercury-Scout? Nobody who I've talked to that knows about spaceflight has heard of Mercury-Scout. It would make a cool addition to this mod but speaking practically I really don't see a purpose for it because since it was used to test ground stations and you don't need to test them in KSP it would probably be as useless as it was in reality. OH MY GOD I HOPE THAT IS JUST TWEAKSCALE.
  8. 1st attempt the rocket tumbled into the see after being released due to me not implementing a method for stabilizing it after release. 2nd attempt I added parachutes to the top so it would fall tail first then I could cut the parachutes and start the engine, it all went to plan up until 1st stage separation when it started tumbling out of control and I had to revert. 3rd try I fixed my gravity turn so I would separate at a higher altitude and it worked up until the kick stage deployment when KSPs automatic stage assigning messed up the SRB staging and put the SRB firing BEFORE it was to be decoupled causing the second stage to explode and thus ruining the mission. 4th, 5th and 6th all failed because I messed up circularization with the SRB and cut it off either too early or late (didn't earn my title for nothing). Lucky number 7 turned out to be my first successful and last mission of air launched Vanguard.
  9. Well I said it HAD to be on that page. Its not the F-106 but you got the right idea with air launching.
  10. Not my craft but my picture. Its an Avro Canada Arrow.
  11. Yeah and scatterer fixes this (https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Deep_Space_Kraken#Island_Kraken) kraken.
  12. I was looking to build a rocket and I found some parts in my VAB under the name Kerbolyov design bureau and the parts were N-1 rocket parts. If anyone can find what mod this was from it would be helpful. (I am a mod hoarder so that's why I'm asking this.)
  13. I made n-mol. The "reactor" is a fairing with a bunch of RTGs inside. It has a fully functioning docking port for resupply craft (or emergency rescue missions).
  14. My theory for super heavy 1 is that it will carry a space ready version with the vacuum raptors of the high altitude hoppers (sn8, sn9, etc) on a sub orbital mission and maybe attempting a landing with the booster.
  15. Have you ever wanted to get 10,000 units of monoprop to your station but don't have the time to do it in multiple launches? Have you ever wanted to make craft so big that the Ariane 5 struggles to get off the ground? Have your maneuvers been too fast and you want to take 1 minute doing a 10 m/s burn? Well I've got the solution for you! LOONG ATV.
  16. Sure I don't know if they come with AIR-2s but might be able to stick some Phoenixes on them.
  17. I have 10,000 F-106s I CAN TAKE ON ANY OF YOUR AIRCRAFT. I CAN TAKE ON ANY ARMY (only if they have outdated cold war technology) SEIZE THEIR ROCKET TECHNOLOGY AND EXPLORE SPACE.
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