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  1. Why yes, I have several VTOLs to share! Meadow Hawk - Low Tech VTOL Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ai70xib7nzuhg7/Meadow Hawk.craft?dl=0 Description: Just a simple VTOL without many tech requirements, fun to fly around. Action Groups: 1: Toggle engine position between flight and hover 2: Toggle forward tilt of engines ( braking position ) 3: Toggle engine power Custom Axis 1: Adjust engine tilt Ghost - Hybrid VTOL Prop Plane Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/59faqu2om496pew/Ghost Tutorial.craft?dl=0 Description: A hybrid plane / helicopter(?) that notably has full 6 directional translation control (it can strafe midair). It uses 8 robotics controllers to map various movements onto the rotation and translation controls. It also manages to function without reaction wheels if you really want it to, a testament to the amount of tweaking that was done on it. Action Groups: 1 - Hover Mode 2 - Plane Mode Scarab - VTOL Utility Tug Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3e2le3h6fink4n/Scarab Mk_ 2.craft?dl=0 Description: Interplanetary tug that can do almost anything. Towing, mining, asteroid capture, ground-based refueling for other craft, you name it. It can't land on Laythe, Eve, or Kerbin, and needs help to land on Tylo. It's also limited by its ~4200 dV. Otherwise, It's a total beast. (Plus it can tow extra fuel tanks, that's how it can land on Tylo) Action Groups: I don't remember, but I know they are for engine positions, mining on/off, and priming the grabbing arms Sandpiper Mk. II - Duna Spaceplane Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7bz33ydvk8xqrop/Sandpiper Mk_ 2.craft?dl=0 Description: A plane made to fly in the thin atmosphere of Duna. VTOL capability is absolutely essential for this to be feasible. It needs help getting to Duna and refueling support once there if you want it to stick around. It can reach Kerbin from the surface of Duna, though. It's pretty fun to glide around on a planet with very little atmospheric drag or gravity. Action Groups: I think it's just 1 and 2 for engine position, maybe one more for solar panels. Custom Axis 1 moves the engines for sure. Seagull Mk. III - VTOL / SSTO Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xl8m5hexjsyijj6/Seagull Mk_ III.craft?dl=0 Description: A spaceplane made to explore Laythe, it can reach Kerbin and Laythe LKO on its own. It has mining capability to sustain itself once it reaches Laythe. It also has a small robotic arm that can be used to tow small craft such as rovers. It needs refueling in LKO to reach Laythe (and vice versa), and you might want to get an orbital scanner over Laythe before you send it, to find the good mining spots (hint: the poles). Action Groups: 1 - flight position ( SAS Hold, Control Point forwards ) 2 - hover position 3 - open / close cargo bay 4 - deploy / undeploy docking arm 5 - toggle Rapier engine mode 6 - toggle NERVA engine on/off 7 - toggle Rapier engine on/off 8 - toggle mining on/off 9 - extend/retract solar panel and antenna 0 - hover mode ( SAS Radial Out, Control Point up ) Custom Axis 1 - engine tilt You can see all of these craft in action on my Youtube Channel
  2. This was a pretty long time in the making, started with making a Banshee lookalike from Starcraft II. Then I decided to expand on the dual tilting fan idea with a new design. Then I found a Youtube channel that made all sorts of helicopters WITHOUT reaction wheels. Overall I managed to pack a lot of features into a craft that functions with or without reaction wheels. It can hover and strafe in any direction, having robotics controllers for each rotation and translation axis. I made this tutorial to show some advanced used of the KAL-1000 controllers!
  3. This is a tilt-rotor gunship styled after the banshee unit from Starcraft II. I hooked up several robotics controllers to various controls such as Yaw and all of the translation controls. These tilt the rotors in various directions and also change the motor speed (for up and down), resulting in some of the easiest hovering control I've seen. Hotkeys: 1: toggle motors 2-5: fire missiles in pairs Staging: fire missiles one at a time And as mentioned before, it responds to all translation controls. Here is a video of it in action (and hopefully the thumbnail showed up so you can see it) Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tnck9ua5hvn9z1v/Banshee.craft?dl=0
  4. Messing around with some fun items on the surface of the Mun. There is a large tower with interior spaces to fly around in, and a long rover trip through the Mun canyon played at 20x speed. The other video that it mentions is this. And the much more exciting followup, using a cannon to launch a kerbal back into Munar orbit!
  5. My favorite SSTO I've made. Its main purpose is to live on Laythe and do island hopping, possibly while towing a tiny rover underneath. It's a tilt-engine VTOL which is nice for navigating terrain. It also has ISRU capability to make sure it can do extended missions. It does need support to get itself (and a rover) to Laythe, and to find where the good ore locations are (so it needed to an LKO refueling station and an orbital survey scanner over Laythe to start its mission). Still, I had a lot of fun exploring Laythe with this craft. Craft File: Seagull Mk. III
  6. https://youtu.be/bt5p_knRMps This video goes over how to create a walking rover that can both turn in place and steer while walking. A basic Kerbin Version is covered in detail, then a more advanced Duna version is briefly covered. This design uses four legs each pointing at diagonal angles. This allows each leg's walking animation to be the same (aside from flipping the directions of some things), meaning you only have to animate one step. Each leg gets its own controller, and then multiple master controllers synchronize those stepping animations to create walking and turning movements. This video allows you to build a specific rover, but once you get the idea you could probably modify the design.
  7. There seems to be an issue with robotics parts moving when a craft is loaded while on the ground. The effect seems to be greater the greater the gravity of the planet, but it only happens if the vehicle is loaded from a save while on the ground. Here is a picture of a robotics-mounted engine upon first spawning: Note that it is centered on the adapter piece it's attached to. Here is the same part after one quicksave and quickload: and after a second quicksave and quickload: It seems to always shift down, although I've noticed a small amount of backwards shifting in other cases. The stronger the gravity, the more it seems to move. I have also noticed an issue with using arms made of robotics parts for refueling while on the ground. The arm gets completely mangled typically. This effect is documented in this video. At around 5:40, 8:00, and 9:30. You can also see a bit of a control situation at 3:00 where it lands with a probe attached to the refueling arm without it getting bent at all. Somewhat ironic that these parts are breaking while on the ground
  8. I wasn't able to download the file. Has it expired?
  9. The Flight of the Scarab - Part 1: Refueling Arm's Seen Better Days
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