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Everything posted by gap

  1. Probably off topic here, but I must admit that I still don't fully understand how Stage Recovery mod works. Aren't dropped stages burnt down in the atmosphere or, at best, lost in space orbits that would require the planning of expensive recovery missions? Roger that, it makes sense.
  2. Thank you for your suggestions, I really appreciate them. I already knew those two mods and I think they are really cool; I am currently testing them in a configuration that includes them as well as KCT, KRASH and Oh Scrap! Conversely, FMRS is new to me. My current vessels are too simple to include stages of the complexity needed for safely driving them home, but I will make a mental note and I will test the latter mod as soon as I reach the technology level required for making the best out of it. On as side note: can I install/uninstall mods at wish during the career, or there are mods that are better enabled at the beginning at career start?
  3. Thank you very much guys, I made as you said, and I was finally able to edit an already existing vessel. The modifications took longer than I would have expected for the simple addition of a couple of mystery goo containers, but lesser than it would have taken if I had to build everything from scratch, and since I had already built it, I was given back the money of the base-module (pod plus parachute and engine). Summing up, it seems that the quickest option is still to assemble our vessels all at once, especially at the beginning of the career when we only build basic designs and even the addition/ removal of a tiny single part can make a big difference but, then again, I suppose that this can vary greatly, depending on the settings an formulas that we can customize to our liking in mod difficulty settings. Are my conclusions correct? Probably due to my light mod load out, I didn't experience any stutter in the VAB but I am glad that you are supporting your mods so actively!
  4. Thank you for your help guys. As you can see from the screenshot below I have one rocket in my VAB storage, but no 'edit' button by its name: What am I doing wrong? If it in not too much hassle for you, that would be a nice fix, thanks!
  5. Yes, I had set the UI scale to 130% because the text of the tutorial missions is barely readable at the original scale. After resetting it to 100% everything is in order. Silly me for not thinking about it, and thank you for assisting me! I have one more question relative to the usage of this awesome mod. Let's say that I build a rocket, and when its construction is finished, before I launch/recover it, I want to modify it by adding or removing some small parts. Should I build a new rocket with the said characteristics from scratch (with waste of money and time)? There should be a way to modify an already built craft, but so far I couldn't find it. Any tips?
  6. Hi @linuxgurugamer and fellow forum members, I have recently started experimenting a bit with this mod along with Crew R&R and other (mostly graphic) KSP addons. I have a problem though. The button used for saving construction plans, which I think was recently added to KCT, overlaps the stock buttons rather than being placed by their side: I am playing v 1.6.1 of the game at 1920 x 1080 resolution, and I have installed v of KCT via CKAN. Am I the only one with this issue? What might cause it? The button is fully functional, when I click on it, either of the buttons located below it are triggered to, which is annoying, and the wrong button scale/placement is also spoiling the cleanness of the game interface; I realize that you are currently dealing with an important performance issue regarding this mod, but I would be grateful if someone could help me with my problem
  7. Sorry, today I realized that my upload of yesterday didn't include the output_log.txt. Here is a new set of log files, including the latter log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e7bfcoil2s55qbk/log_files_for_linuxgurugamer.7z/file Save game and rocket save didn't change from yesterday. Included in today's zip archive is the .ckan file of the mods I am currently using, in case some other mod messes with Crew R&R. To be clear, what I did before sending you the logs was pressing the crew assignment button in the VAB and, in the next window, I pressed the 'Fill' button and the 'Reset' button (or whatever is called the button on the bottom right of that window; I am playing the Italian version of the game). In both cases, no effect was sorted (the crew slot was empty from the beginning and it stayed empty). After that I closed the game and I zipped the log files.
  8. I was guessing so, but thank you for confirming that. On a side note, just for your information: CKAN states KSP v. 1.6.0 as the maximum compatible version, so you might want to update that information. mmm... I don't think that to be the culprit. During most (if not all) of my tests, the pod was the first part I had placed. Moreover, the problem only appeared with CR&R installed. Never had anything similar in vanilla game. Here you go: https://www.mediafire.com/file/69o686y6fwadw89/KSP_+_CR%26R_save_and_log_files_for_linuxgurugamer.7z/file I hope those are all the files you need. Please let me know in case you miss any
  9. Thank you for your reply LGG, I understand that. Any hope that you can put such a feature in your todo list, maybe with a low priority level? Changing of topic, what about my other issue with the automatic crew assignment? Can it be caused by an incompatibility between the current Crew R&R release and v 1.6.1 of the game? From the thread title I see that only v. 1.5.x is supported...
  10. Hi @linuxgurugamer and everyone else, I am new here and this is my first post, thank you for your great work on KSP! I use this mod with KSP v 1.6.1. Early in career mode, neither automatic crew assignment nor the fill button seem to work, no matter if I check or uncheck the relative option in Crew R&R's settings. In practice, the empty space(s) of the command module can only be filled by dragging available kerbonauts manually. Is that normal? Other than that, as noted by someone else I love the minimalistic approach of this mod but I miss information on which astronauts are on leave and for how long. How hard would be integrating that information in the stock interface or getting it in a new window?
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