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  1. I am trying to bind Q and E for my yaw, but every time I click the E key, the icon goes away and leaves the previous key bind, but the E key works in other sections. What can I do?
  2. I need help landing my boosters accurately. They have airbrakes with controls enabled and RCS thrusters, but most of the time, the mod doesn't consider aero forces. So here is a catch: my booster only flies above 50 instead of space, which is 70km. Any tips for increasing the accuracy of landing?
  3. I am trying to put picture, but I don't see an option to do so
  4. My CG and CL are close together, I have 120 ton takeoff weight+23 wing area. I have two regular elevons+1 standard canard on each side. My space plane flies well, but I am having a hard time rotating it. Is it because my landing gear is too far back, not enough pitch control surfaces, or I don't have enough lift?
  5. I thought that the AJ10 gets 380 ISP in KSP, so maybe RS25 should exceed it :(
  6. I don't know why the KSP version of the SSME is so powerful but inefficienct in the vacuum. Are they planning for something else back then? Personally, I wish they can make a 60% thrust nerf with a 400+ ISP in vacuum.
  7. I did it! This marks my third interplantary return mission.
  8. Is there wave drag in this game? I can't go above mach 1 with docking port drives. I need SRB for that instead, but I see matt Lowne goes through that easily.
  9. I am using docking port drive, so I got infinite range.
  10. Sure, I will give it a try. Oh, I did that with my departure push, but I never got that to zero. It went close, but not quite
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