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Posts posted by SecondChance

  1. Thought I'd post my latest SSTO for you guys as its been a bit quiet here lately.

    Still tweaking the design but its almost there. Done on ps4.

    Presenting X Shuttle Mk3 - ISRU capable 5-kerbal science SSTO capable of docking maneuvers, 3000m/s delta v in LKO during 'demo-1', Must accelerate to 400m/s below 2000 metres before pitching up to 5 degrees for the flight to orbit. Landing nearly empty is pretty simple, I haven't attempted landing with mostly full tanks but it should be possible at least.


    Capable of Minmus OR mun return without refuelling. With some minor tweaks and better flight profile It should be capable of Duna return without using ISRU.









    I also really like this things silhouette :D 



    What happened to MK1 and 2 you ask? Whelp




  2. Getting back into the swing of things after taking a break over Christmas trying out the breaking ground dlc (ps4).

    Got my first gravity ring attached to my station truss:

    25m diameter


    0.5 (ish)g

    stabilised with reaction wheels.

    Comms dishes on the ends of the truss also spin, I haven't came up with a reason for that yet :D

    currently 203 parts

    I have a second double ring ready (still working on a reliable booster setup) which will sit level with the current ring (docked to the bottom) The Rings are launched as one piece which has been .... entertaining?


  3. Ok so, I have been having fun trying out all the new breaking ground stuff over the last few days.

    Landed a craft on Minmus with a robotically deployed rover, Take the rover for a spin to find new surface features and end up about 5km away from the lander, upon returning the lander is not about twenty metres up in the air and tilted over slightly. I have tried EVAing my kerbals from the rover into the floating lander, I can enter the vehicle but firing the engine has no effect and I cannot maneuver at all. Apparently I am moving 9.2 m/s relative to the surface. I then sent a kerbal back to my rover to try driving out of physics distance but now the rover is stuck in place cant even use reaction wheels to rotate it.

    I will try to replicate and upload a screenshot when i get home.

    Has anyone else experienced this, know the cause or workaround?

    Kinda ruining my career save right now as I was planning on building many bases/rovers.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. So Ive done as much as i can with the time I have, wont be able to play again until next weekend so ill show what Ive got so far ... imgur album for report but heres the gist.



    Stock with MH, carreer mode ps4

    Two launches 600t + delivering 12 relays a 2 man lander and the DrOP-g station carrying 5 kerbals.

    8 relays succesfully deployed 4 have remained on the bus to provide a more reliable link back to kerbin for when DrOP-G is darkside.

    Lander has completed 3 landings so far collecting data from dres lowlands and highlands, almost full lab plus 22 experiments to return to kerbin. Fuel remaining should provide at least 2 more landings once the lab needs refilling.

    Attempted a return late last night got into a 40,000m aerocapture but was coming in to hot to slow down, still about 8 days before the ideal transfer and had 100m/s ish left in the tank so I'm positive the return is possible but I've ran out of time for now. I wiill update once done but its gonna be while due to work :(

    I have loads more screenshots if you need, just didnt want to bombard you with too many!


    Drestemis program


  5. I have two rockets sitting in LKO waiting for a Dres window.

    1) My take on Nasa's LOP-G (imaginatively named DrOP-G) A 6 man station with lab and Kerbin return pod for 3 kerbals. I will be sending a 5-man team aboard, two long term (pilot, scientist) will remain on station to operate the lab, the other 3 will be on surface exploration duties once the lander arrives with the second rocket and will return at the next available transfer window. The transfer stage will remain attached to the station to provide extra fuel for multiple landings (at least 3 I hope).

    2) A 12 sat relay network, also the main expedition lander has been squeezed onto this rocket, Margins are a little tighter on this one due to the extra mass but i still hope to have enough fuel left in the relay tug to provide an extra 2 landings.

    So hopefully will visit 5 biomes and deploy a 12 relay network around Dres to support the DrOP-G and surface operations.

    On PS4 so all stock using MH

    Will this qualify? If so I should have a report done by the weekend.

  6. Console player here, never played on PC so never spoiled by mods :D

    We can use the cheat menu if we want to disable trophies permanently.

    I have played over 400 hours on console and visited every planet/ moon. I Generally eyeball my designs and tend to send multiple launches in one transfer window.

    I'm sure  its easier with mods on PC but KSP IMO is meant to be tough and learning from past mistakes, I feel, is core to the experience.

    Also we now have the mun launch site if we want to test our landers.


  7. I've been testing a new long range ssto prototype, still needs some work, especially control surfaces, for some reason it wants to roll upside down on ascent!

    As yet unamed, this prototype made it to Munar orbit and back with plenty of fuel to spare!Ideally I want this to be able to land on duna, then refuel for further trips. Although I might try a duna return w/out refeuling if I can squeeze it.

    Only two crew, all science instruments and isru and drill (the small ones). Any good name suggestions?er3Xzsi.jpgva7CqgG.jpgN77BB0r.jpg

  8. Posted elsewhere but fits better here! (hope thats ok?)

     My rock hopper MK1. This little beauty has landed on mun, minmus and ike(pictured), I also currently have one en route to gilly. Operates out of stations in orbit.


    Also The Duna Dart, lands on schutes with a small touchdown burn, capable of ascent and kerbin return with little margin for error, can dock and refuel on orbit for more comfortable margins


  9. Rock Hopper Mk1 made its first successful touch down on Ike. Based at the Ike orbital station I plan to visit every boime with this baby :cool:VYKLd9c.jpg

    Meanwhile the expedition crews of the Duna Dart and Dune crawler  landed safely on Duna ready for further exploration!nSKyVGP.jpglygaAVL.jpg

  10. 1 minute ago, Aeroboi said:

    It is possible to blow up the decoupler but that depends on the engine

    Well my lander is using a vector (its pretty heavy) so that should work!

    I'd rather not use the cheat menu if I can avoid it :)

    2 minutes ago, bewing said:

    Docking ports have the ability to undock one time from something that is not a docking port.


    I did not know this! and it makes me happy :D

  11. So I made a dumb dumb and put a decoupler between the docking ports of my Duna transfer stage and lander, meaning that when I decouple it will stay attached to the docking port on the transfer stage (which I planned to redock with to return to kerbin).

    I assume I wont be able to dock through it?

    Is it possible to blow up the decoupler with my rocket exhaust without doing the same to the docking port?

    Other wise I could attempt to land with the transfer stage and relaunch but I don't think it'll have the TWR to lift off with the lander atop.

    Now my lander does have 2600m/s delta V, can I make it down to the surface and back to kerbin? (I was hoping to hop a biome or two, but its not essential to the mission), landing will be on parachutes with a power assisted touchdown but I cant remember the exact delta V requirements to return.

    How would you clever clogs work around this foolish oversight, I'll be testing out my options later but any insight will be helpful?

    On PS4 with history and parts pack

  12. I actually did this not long ago! I have a pic but will have to check my save later for mass and orbit specifics its class C though (I'll update this post once I'm home), met it out in solar orbit which was very fun! I reckon I have enough fuel left over to hop it back over to Minmus too! Yes the craft is overbuilt but I had contract to put it in orbit of kerbin, Mun and Minmus so that's why :wink:

    Also someone with the required artistic talent should make a badge for this!


  13. 3 minutes ago, klesh said:

    So, you console peeps have had access to this place for awhile.  Please tell us details of how you access it, where it is listed, what options are required to make it available, and if its listed separately than any on-Kerbin launch sites. 

    The launch site is unlocked pretty far down the science tree (550 if I remember right). Selected from the same place as the other launch sites, you cannot recover vessels from it, but there does not seem to be any mass or part restrictions. While I'm not personally a fan, it is useful for testing craft (this is pretty much all I've used it for so far) the way I see it is that its there for people who want it and can be ignored if not .

    Oh and its right by the Armstrong monument!

  14. I heard Lockheed martin showed an interest too, I suppose that'd be for the US military though. Also I read on the SpaceX thread that some of the possible inclinations the they could launch into would be useful for Starlink although It'd need to be a bigger complex than planned for that I believe. Would be awesome to see F9 launches happen there (unlikely I think)!

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