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Posts posted by jost

  1. I don't get it: Why is the (non-)use of an Autopilot relevant for the question whether Nate did a good job as a creative director? As far I know this role needs a certain skill set.  People can be good in a game and suck in a leadership role and vice versa.

    But I also don't get why people would play KSP to engage in air combat ( there are way better options ) so  what do I know? 

  2. 9 hours ago, GobboKirk said:

    If they are still around, what else would there be to do, not like anyone is busy communicating :P
    But that's the type of answers you get when you quote out of context ;)

    They are propably forbidden to do it. 


  3. 9 hours ago, Schaufel said:

    This will not go unpunished and will follow anyone involved for the rest of their career.

    In which universe c-level gets punished for missmanagement? 

    Or do you mean the developers, comunity management and remaining people of IG? 

    Nate works at PD now and I doubt that he started a carribian vacation on his first day there.

    Concerning developers and community management: Why should people loose their basis of income due to a failed EA Video game? Especially ( like community management ) if they can not really be blamed?


    It's not something like blowing up a nuclear power plant or even VW diesel gate.

    It never ceases to amaze me what problems gamers have.

    If such a thing is troubling you you are better off than most people in any country in this World. No reason to feel bad but also no reason to be mad

  4. 4 hours ago, Alex76 said:

    What needs to be done to get these thieves to return the money? I bought it immediately after the game came out.

    There is a thread on it: 


    Tldnr: You need to find enough people to fund a lawsuit. Sonebody talked with a lawyer who saw a potential case in  it. But it would need a langer team, a retainer of 10000 bucks and enough people to fund the ongoing charges.

    Even then the publushers legal departement is quite big so it might still end up with gaining nothing except  fees. 

    With other words: As frustrating as it is I'm afraid you can't do very much about it except you havecto much money you need to burn


  5. On 5/5/2024 at 8:12 PM, blorgon said:

    What kind of educational outreach does ESA do? I could easily see a space agency funding KSP as an educational tool to help train 

    European tax payer and ksp Fan here: Although I like KSP a lot I like using taxes for things like Rosetta or the mercury probe even more. 

    And ESA is quite good in outreach: In fact during college I knew some physics students who designed parts of the Experiments as part of their thesis.  Others were invited to watch the rocket launch.

  6. 1 hour ago, king of nowhere said:

    not sure about this one, but i don't see why not

    I agree. But it shouldn't be too much of a problem to create an ion powered probe for doing the scans and attach it to the mothership. With ions it's easy to create one sat to cover the whole jool system without ending in insane amounts of extra weight. 

  7. An Petition is even more pointless than a class action. With some luck class Action might lead to something although it's not very likely.

    An online Petition however is guaranteed to have ( like every Petition before) no impact at all. It's main goal is to make the signing people feeling better before it's getting ignored

  8. 19 hours ago, Jaypeg said:

    Oh thank goodness this part of the community is still nice. I saw people celebrating them losing their jobs on the reddit.

    This annoyed me from the start of the whole KSP2 mess how inmature some parts of the community are. My guess is that these people are still quite young and supported by their  family.  Thus they never depended on their Job to earn their living. Instead they have a lot of time for gaming and asocial Media. 

    Or like jwz phrased it:

    "What group is most suspeptible to that disease (Objectivism)? Fourteen year old boys. Who's the target audience of most video games? Exactly"

    ( Jamie Zawinski  https://www.jwz.org/blog/2009/10/big-daddy/ )

    These guys should play more bioshock

  9. 39 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

    you're looking at it backwards. they announced earlier cutting 5% of their workforce. upstart projects leaking money left and right are just the most likely candidates.

    Of course it's more likely that they first decided to cut their workforce and then looked up where the most potential cost saving would be possible. My whole point was that closing IG due to KSP2 not generating profit and closing three other studios due to not generating (enough) profit doesn't contradict each other. At least from a business point of view.
    On a human/fellow sysadmin/fellow developer point of view  I have more sympathies for the staff of IG and the other studios though:  Loosing your job sucks and I don't wish this on anyone.

  10. 14 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    To be honest, I am not surprised Nate isn't around right now.  He just found out a lot of his friends are jobless, the project is in serious jeopardy, and the community has been pretty angry with him for a few years.  I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly wouldn't want to be here if that was me right now.

    Even if he wanted (which I highly doubt for all the reasons you mentioned) it doesn't mean that he can. I'm quite sure that everybody at IG (whether they are now employed by PD or not) had to sign a NDA to even get the salary for the last 60 days or the new position. Why should anybody with a working brain risk such a thing? Angry gamers on a discourse server, subreddit or web forum can be ignored quite easily. 
    But the need to go  grocery shopping, energy bills or  a landlord are quite harder to ignore 

  11. On 3/2/2024 at 3:06 PM, Superfluous J said:

    Quick update: I totally, completely, 99.9% completed Eelollo.

    And by that I mean I was doing Kerbin re-entry when I realized - wait for it - that I forgot parachutes!

    So I am re-doing that mission. :D

    Coudn't you use the personal parachutes of the Kerbals? Or would this hurt the challenge rules?

  12. On 10/24/2023 at 8:06 PM, shdwlrd said:

    It depends on the reasoning for the telescope. If you need a telescope to discover a planet in your solar system, that's stupid. You should see the planet transiting across the night sky. You know it's there. If you want to use the telescope to get a better view of the planet, that's cool. If you want to use a telescope to do a ground survey before a mission, that's up to you. But using telescopes for anything in the Kerbol system should be optional and not a requirement for any discoveries.

    Hm, the outer Planets ( Neptun, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto), Jupiters moons and Asteroid belts were discovered with telescopes so I don't think that this argument is  a good one in any case. I agree however that most planets of the kerbol System shouldn't need to get discovered by a Telescope. 

    Eeloo, Dres and maybe Gilly, Pol and Bop are a different beast though.

    In the end I don't think KSP2 will have it since it would make it more difficult for new players

  13. On 10/24/2023 at 9:31 AM, Periple said:

    This isn’t intended as a slight to Linux/Steam Deck gamers, it’s just that they haven’t had an easy time delivering for plain old Windows and they really need to avoid everything that could make things more complicated until they’re well and truly on solid ground.

    Linux User here and I agree: It's much more practical to finish the game first, then supporting it with proton

  14. 23 hours ago, mattihase said:

    Hey, so I know CBT is the fancy new terrain system coming in the future but... as with all fancy new things I can imagine bugs are no doubt going to creep their way into it. Would it be a good idea for the first few versions that implement CBT that there be a toggle in the options menu to go back to using PQS so that if CBT starts causing unexpected issues in certain gameplay situations players have an option to temporarily swap back to the older, more longer developed terrain system if they experience any gamebreaking bugs? 

    Only for a couple updates while all the kinks get ironed out.

    I don't think that this would be a good idea since  they would then have two maintain two Systems and ensuring everything is compatible instead of dumping technical debt.

  15. 18 hours ago, MechBFP said:

    That… doesn’t make any sense. Since the majority of people are obtaining the game from Steam there will obviously be more people reporting problems that are using that platform. Correlation does not equal causation. 

    It doesn't make sense anyhow since it would mean that the developers would build from a different code base for Steam and stand alone release.

    Why on Kerbin should they do such a thing? This would be just more work without any benefit

  16. 6 minutes ago, VlonaldKerman said:

    Long time KSP fan/YouTuber and integral part of KSP community labeled bitter automatically for criticizing buggy game, more at 12.

    Well regex is a long time KSP fan too. And "integral Part of community" is quite subjective. Regex years of ranting against KSP1 career mode  are quite an integral part of my community experience

  17. 7 minutes ago, Spicat said:

    They? Some people are saying that but the devs are not defending themselves with that, big difference.

    Well some people think that the KSP2 team shouldn't have vacation due to the current state. So while I agree with your points I'm not surprised the same camp makes such a big Deal  out of buisness as  usual in capitalism

  18. 11 hours ago, Alexoff said:

    In 2016, many left, and as far as I remember, not because of the good atmosphere in the company.

    What is this, for example? After 1.2, there were small steps forward, various improvements, new parts, but I would not say that 1.2, released a few months after his departure, is so different from 1.12. And the KSP had the maximum hype in those days, judging by the views of the videos on YouTube.

    I would also add who should not be involved in the development of KSP2, but I will try, like Felipe, to start singing some popular song in my head

    Commnet and breaking ground for example, stock delta v readouts and Transfer planner/alarm clock.  In fact there were more years of development after his departure than before

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