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Everything posted by jost

  1. And risk a lawsuit because of it? Especially after such an epic blunder which might damage or destroy my career for a long time or completly I definitively woudn't risk my only hope to ever get a job again by breaking a NDA just to "address the community" of a video game. And I'm not only talking about the video game industry (that ship is propably sailed for him!): Any company won't hire people who are not only known for a failed project (which might still have a good explaination ) but also for breaking contracts. Failing at a project is one thing and often enough not the sole fault of one person. Breaking a contract is the decision of the person breaking it and obviously will hurt this persons long-time prospect on the job market. Apologizing to the team members is a different thing though (calls at 2 am seriously?!? I would quit on the spot if my boss would do such a thing in a non-emergency situation!) if he didn't manage that on their last common days at IG this would be quite a shame. But in the end it's between and his former team members. You or I don't really have a stake in it. Some folks think that this community "simping" is pathetic. I think it's quite more pathetic to expect people to risk lawsuits and their means of existence due to video games communities of all things. Nobody needs to like it but you can'T expect people to behave even more self-destructing than they already have.
  2. Shouldn't this be chmod -wx *.warc?
  3. You wouldn't care too about "the community" of your former employers product after signing a NDA. It's silly to assume that somebody would risk a court battle just to "defend their honour" to a community whose most toxic members wouldn't accept this defense anyhow. What would be the point in this?
  4. Tryharder didn't forbid to fly to space. Thus it should be possible to Orbit Witze the planes to space, transfer fuel and continue the circumvention. Still not trivial so hats off to anybody who achieve this
  5. It might be a better idea to look in their mods to figure out what they are doing and starting a thread asking for help if you get stuck
  6. Concerning compression tools: zstd is considered a good compromise between speed and compression ratio, maybe worth a tree if time ends up being an issue.
  7. I wouldn‘t call regulation nonsense, without it you end in a death trap like Oceangates Titan sub. Apart from this you are spot on: Stuff is expensive due to the needed staff and regulation thus reusing isn‘t the good idea people think it is
  8. I'm not sure I get your point. Can you elborate please?
  9. So every guy or girl who is responsible for the cringe and lies messing up my Youtube or spotify streaming should loose their Job? Don't get me wrong: I would love to crash the PR/advertising industry and every Coke sniffing "creative mind" who makes their results the intelligence-insulting crap they are. But I doubt that this is possible ( even the so called socialist states had and have their Propaganda departments) and most people would agree that my peace of mind is worth destroying the jobs of everyone in the advertising/pr industry.
  10. I don't care about take two and it's shareholders. But I care a lot about techworkers who lost their jobs since I'm a tech guy myself and can relate how they are feeling right now. And I don't care at all about "angry gamers" aka male entitled Teenagers who call for review bombing the profiles of former KSP2 Staff on linkedin/xing etc. This in incredible lame ( because it shows they have way to much time and obviouvsly no way to spend it ) and dumb ( companys will know that the applicants were part of KSP2 in any case) at the same time. These "consumers advocats" need to grow up and be quiet, sorry, not sorry.
  11. Thanks for your service and thanks to kingofnowhere for taking over
  12. The Wikipedia articles on the Uranprojekt are quite enlightening: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=German_nuclear_program_during_World_War_II&diffonly=true Even more interesting are the Transkription of the talk of impridoned German scientists envolved in the Uranprojekt: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Epsilon They show that ( imho luckily) they did have quite some failure in estamting the needed amount of Uran, needed devices etc. But in the end if sonething don't work you mess around until you find sonething that works.
  13. Nope, nukes and nuclear Power were the application of the scientific knowledge of that day, discovered düring the five decades before. In the end if the USA wouldn't been first, the soviets or axis would have done it. Luckily the german nuclear program wasn't very advanced since they lacked funds ( due to wartime) and their approach wasn't practical on an industrial scale. But at some point they would also been at the same stage.
  14. Nice pics and great report. I'm just curious: Did you dock the plane to the Station or were the kerbals transferred via EVA?
  15. I don't get it: Why is the (non-)use of an Autopilot relevant for the question whether Nate did a good job as a creative director? As far I know this role needs a certain skill set. People can be good in a game and suck in a leadership role and vice versa. But I also don't get why people would play KSP to engage in air combat ( there are way better options ) so what do I know?
  16. They are propably forbidden to do it.
  17. In which universe c-level gets punished for missmanagement? Or do you mean the developers, comunity management and remaining people of IG? Nate works at PD now and I doubt that he started a carribian vacation on his first day there. Concerning developers and community management: Why should people loose their basis of income due to a failed EA Video game? Especially ( like community management ) if they can not really be blamed? It's not something like blowing up a nuclear power plant or even VW diesel gate. It never ceases to amaze me what problems gamers have. If such a thing is troubling you you are better off than most people in any country in this World. No reason to feel bad but also no reason to be mad
  18. There is a thread on it: Tldnr: You need to find enough people to fund a lawsuit. Sonebody talked with a lawyer who saw a potential case in it. But it would need a langer team, a retainer of 10000 bucks and enough people to fund the ongoing charges. Even then the publushers legal departement is quite big so it might still end up with gaining nothing except fees. With other words: As frustrating as it is I'm afraid you can't do very much about it except you havecto much money you need to burn
  19. European tax payer and ksp Fan here: Although I like KSP a lot I like using taxes for things like Rosetta or the mercury probe even more. And ESA is quite good in outreach: In fact during college I knew some physics students who designed parts of the Experiments as part of their thesis. Others were invited to watch the rocket launch.
  20. More developers without a Job = More developers who agree with lower salaries
  21. I agree. But it shouldn't be too much of a problem to create an ion powered probe for doing the scans and attach it to the mothership. With ions it's easy to create one sat to cover the whole jool system without ending in insane amounts of extra weight.
  22. An Petition is even more pointless than a class action. With some luck class Action might lead to something although it's not very likely. An online Petition however is guaranteed to have ( like every Petition before) no impact at all. It's main goal is to make the signing people feeling better before it's getting ignored
  23. This annoyed me from the start of the whole KSP2 mess how inmature some parts of the community are. My guess is that these people are still quite young and supported by their family. Thus they never depended on their Job to earn their living. Instead they have a lot of time for gaming and asocial Media. Or like jwz phrased it: "What group is most suspeptible to that disease (Objectivism)? Fourteen year old boys. Who's the target audience of most video games? Exactly" ( Jamie Zawinski https://www.jwz.org/blog/2009/10/big-daddy/ ) These guys should play more bioshock
  24. Of course it's more likely that they first decided to cut their workforce and then looked up where the most potential cost saving would be possible. My whole point was that closing IG due to KSP2 not generating profit and closing three other studios due to not generating (enough) profit doesn't contradict each other. At least from a business point of view. On a human/fellow sysadmin/fellow developer point of view I have more sympathies for the staff of IG and the other studios though: Loosing your job sucks and I don't wish this on anyone.
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