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έķ νίĻĻάίή

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Everything posted by έķ νίĻĻάίή

  1. FYI I prefer playing stock, as I’ve tried airship mods and they are hard to use and control. And airplanes would have to be rocket powered to fly, unless it was a glider. Drones on the other hand... not sure about you, but are easier for me.
  2. I’ve been focusing on spaceplanes recently, specially the MEV (Magic Exploration Vehicles) which I’ve made for easy use. It’s on kerbalx
  3. Use the breaking Ground ducted fans to make a drone
  4. Sorta depends, what tablet? If it's a old one then no not really Fair enough but anyone would have got what I meant
  5. Don’t be mad at me, but I hate dlcs. Ksp2 is already sorta expensive, and the dlcs give parts usually already given in mods.
  6. Actually it already sorta is. Ever heard of Spaceflight simulator Search it on App Store or Google play, it’s free!
  7. Oh wait wat 2 (+) @KerbolExplorer We aren’t done celebrating yet Oh well
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