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Everything posted by TarTi

  1. Nah it's fine don't worry for this, I've load this save to test the new release, but as you can see on the screen, it's not exploding right now. Just doing weird things. But yes, it can explode also just after loading. Or, as with the first load of the same save, everything can be fine, so it's a bit confusing.. ^_^' I'll make a test vehicle to test the release from a safe save and I come back (BTW I finally decided to use only one grabby and save one ship instead of two, and then I was able to save, load, move etc.. everything fine with only one ship grabbed. But it was so ready to explode each time I grabbed it at 0.1 m/s..) EDIT I've made the test vehicle, was so close to explode and reproduce the same issue each time : (I've also seen in old IR (not NEXT) thread that it was HIGHLY UNRECOMMANDED to attach docks directly or indirectly to the robot parts.. Maybe still true and also for grabby hook ? Hope it's not real anymore, I've downloaded this mod especially to dock and grab things between them, well like IRL finally ^_^') Anyway, here's the screen :
  2. Looks like I have the oldest versions, I installed as adviced the gamedata folders from this main page : So I have IR v3.0.0 + patch 2b and KJR v4.0.3 released one hour ago. And I still have this kinf of weird bugs (after loading my game, had to press escape to see something else than HUD and black screen, but anyway) : https://ibb.co/r2T283L
  3. Well, I downloaded it on saturday or sunday and updated it today, just before you solved my first issue, so I'm from 4.0 to 4.0 glitched/mixed with 4.0.2 (my first issue) and finally 4.0.2 as adviced, and I'm on 1.7 for KSP
  4. Errr sure, just tell me how to do this (sorry, all the KSP functionment looks weird for me about mods & patches compared to all other games ^w^') and I'll help as many people as I can do EDIT 1------------------------ BTW, i just had a violent bug with speeding time, each time I'm going forward in time, in map mode or manually in vessel view, one of my grabbed ships move to the side, grabbed by WIFI from a reversed grabby-thing, and then when I put time back to normal, it will have a fat impulsion (like with a 10 m/s small vessels coupling) and finally go back to normal or just violently collide and... well, Kraken-die I guess After that, I've been stuck into this position and I begin to be scared about my saved games.. ^_^' https://ibb.co/4Rnc0hw EDIT 2 (sry admins)------------------------ I succeed to load my save with only one ship grabbed (the most important one at least, there is Jebediah on a Mun impact trajectory with no fuel in there!), I just ungrabbed to make a move, then grabbed again at 0.1 m/s and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Kraken again "cannot load cause there is no "KJRAutoStrutHelper"" https://ibb.co/cFNjX1D Maybe it's just with the grabby machine, but it's so close to be perfect x3
  5. Oh my, it was just this.. Sorry to waste your time, hope at least it will help some other newbies.. BTW I will continue my tests but it seems that the grab-machine don't work when scaled, like decouplers.. Thank you so much for everything anyway ! Here's the victory screen :3 https://ibb.co/JnbVHML
  6. Hello there ! First, thanks for this mod, I was feeling a bit stuck in the game without any hinge.. But I have an issue : Maybe it will be solved in space, but for now I cannot use the robotics at the launchpad... Was going to test and being used to them, it was working correctly in the rocket construction building, but as soon as I put my structure outside, I can barely move them in a few degrees/millimeters before they stop and begin to go slooowly backwards.. Any idea of something i'm doing wrong or how to make them fonctional ? Thanks again for the mod and in advance for the answers ! :3 Here's some pics : https://ibb.co/GVCq5nv https://ibb.co/GQmxqLt
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