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Selective Genius

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Everything posted by Selective Genius

  1. What are they going to send up there with three launches everyday?? Solar Power Satellites? Lunar factories? Material for Bishop Rings?
  2. Those chumps at Facebook keep trying to peddle nonsensical home treatments for Covid and their audience lap it all up. Did you know that you can deal with oxygen deficiency by blowing a conch shell? Apparently it will open up all the pores in your lungs and there would be tons of oxygen for the body! I guess modern medicine was a waste of time and money then!! Let's blow conch shells. I usually don't bother with those hacks, but one of my mother's friends followed these 'health tips' and put lime juice in her nostrils yesterday to 'Sanitize' against the virus. She ended up losing vision in her left eye. What the hell, mate what the hell! I believe the Government should either arrest these quacks and hacks for causing damage to people's health intentionally just for clicks and views Or it should admit that these hacks are right and dismantle the modern medicinal institutions of the country.
  3. I am a bit ashamed to admit this but i have no clue where to even begin.
  4. I am not sure if this is the right place to post it, but I have a query. You see, I am studying at a private coaching center, and because of the pandemic, they are providing online classes through Microsoft Teams. We are only allowed to attend the classes that are assigned to our batch. Those classes are scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. However, I have discovered a workaround that lets me join classes of other batches too! I have not informed the administration of this exploit, and I have not told any of my friends either. Why would I give up an advantage like this? Now, there are 4 two-hour 'Time Slots' in which classes take place. They are [7:00 am to 9:00 am] [11:45 am to 1:45 pm] [2 pm to 4 pm] and [6:30 pm to 8:30 pm]. My batch have been assigned the last time slot, thats where all my classes happen. But i want to attend all important classes from 7 am to 8:30 pm. And this is where my problems begin. You see, there are a lot of different subjects that are being taught, some more important and some less so. I wished there was a system that could keep track of the time table of a particular week's classes of 25 batches, choose the class that is the most important and remind me of it. I was thinking of a ratings-based approach to help decide the importance of a class. For ex: Finance would be rated a 5/5 (very important!) and geography would be rated a 2/5. If at a [2 pm to 4 pm] time slot these two subjects clash, then the system would suggest me Finance. I hope my explanation is making sense.. Could you guys please help me out with designing a time table program or something?
  5. Yeah, I am preparing for the banking sector as well, despite having an engineering background. I have work experience in a national lab which specialized in Metallurgy and material science and I was all set to get a permanent job in that laboratory. However, office politics and Covid got me kicked out and it has been a grind ever since. I used to design stirrers and ball mills using CFD-DEM and now I am struggling to get a clerical job in banks. It is tough being unemployed when my sibling and my cousins are doing well. (I should not be jealous but its tough not to). My social standings is lower than my uncle's pet golden retriever, I dont have many friends to hang out with, my gf broke up with me after pressure from her parents (Apparently they only tolerated my presence because of my promised government job at the lab i worked. But I am just another jobless hobo right now). I don't want a happy ending, I just want this to end, one way or the other.
  6. How would you define a prototype? In this case, would the prototype mean a pressure vessel? Or a full sized mock-up including life support, power and heat management?
  7. Anthem of the KSP Modding community, especially the big shots like Nertea, CobaltWolf and LinuxGuruGamer..
  8. I don't think I will live long enough to fall in love with the smell of hydrazine.
  9. What would be the ISP of a pressure-fed kerolox rocket engine with regenerative cooling and active tank pressure management? What would be the maximum thrust we could obtain from such an engine before it gets impractical?
  10. As a child, I used to stuff the trash under the bed when I was told to clean my room. Now that I am a bit older, I am doing the same thing, but this time instead of my bedroom, it is KSP and instead of bed, I hide trash under payload fairing. These are modules of a future interplanetary base. The module to the far side is a Laboratory module which has a Science lab, a LOT of batteries and solar panels. The module on the near side is a Habitat module with living space for 8 and an airlock which can house 2 more. There are some issues which don't allow kerbals to disembark from the airlock once they enter it. I would be obliged if you guys could help me figure it out in the following gameplay support thread. A possible extension of the base, a fuel tanker for ISRU purposes designed to dock with the surface base.
  11. It is still showing 'Hatch Obstructed'. I also tried to move the kerbal to another crew cabin (hitchhiker can) and then back to the mk1 crew cabin, right clocked on it and selected transfer crew -> EVA, but the result is still very much the same.
  12. I made an airlock module using a mk1 crew cabin and a payload fairing. When I clicked on the hatch and selected 'EVA', the kerbal within exited. Afterwards the kerbal boarded the cabin. When I tried to get him out the second time, the following happened. "Hatch is obstructed, can't exit." But he exited just a few minutes ago... Is this a bug? Or is this how hatches behave around fairings? I am using KSP 1.11.2
  13. Launch Company name -> Launcher Rocket name -> Rocket-1 Engine name -> Engine 2 Looks like these people went to the ISRO School of Naming Stuff.
  14. @sevenperforceHis rocket nozzles are rectangular. Wont it cause flow separation and turbulence at the corners?
  15. You know what else uses negative mass? Alcubeirre warp drives. You call him crazy but this man must have made an interstellar warp ship and get all these juicy futuristic aviation concepts from aliens. Open your eyes, sheeple!!! PS : On a side note, is anyone willing to mod these engines and planes into KSP? Or make replicas of his SSTOs? Should I make it a challenge?
  16. I am willing to overlook the 'orbital velocity = ground speed' goof up if that guy could explain to me what magic fuel he is using in those little forward thrusters that could decrease orbital velocity by 5000 miles per hour (2.2 km/s) with such a little tank. In his diagrams, the little tank in the nose section is approximately 6 ft long and 3-4 feet across. If that small tank+engine could change orbital speeds of a 225,000 lbs vehicle by 2 kilometers per second, wont it make much more sense to use that to get into orbit at the first place? And WHY would he need the forward thrusters anyways? Can't he just turn around retrograde and fire up his aerospike engine to decelerate? Or use a conventional hypergolic OMS. Or someone from Fox News who wants to invite the guy over to the Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss "Why NASA is funding SpaceX to blow up water tanks on taxpayer's money." Or as the evil supervillain Herman VonKerman "With your intellect and my resources, we will rule ZA WORLD!" Or as a Nigerian crown prince who was ridiculed by his Iranian friends for not having a launch vehicle.
  17. This guy designed an ejection seat for a hypersonic craft. If nothing else, it's good world-building for a sci-fi movie, at least. Not exactly, but close. This guy also claims that Boeing apparently "cloned" his designs after he submitted those to DARPA And apparently the 'Raven' will deploy a forward thruster on it's nose to 'rapidly decelerate to under 12,000 mph ground speed to increase descent rate dramatically for re-entry' This is the little thruster that will do that. But why? and how?
  18. Yup I think so. Maybe he thought an allotrope of carbon would make oxides in powder form? Of course he has nothing more to show about these so called 'advancements in material science'. This man has the nerve to write the following sentence on his website (http://www.ioaircraft.com/hypersonic.php) in glaring red text color, and I quote: "NOTE: ALL engineering and physics of our hypersonic developments and scramjet engineering, is minimum 30 years more advanced then all programs in existence. Because of this, we are extremely protective of engineering details." And this gem, write under the red text -> Every aspect of our hypersonics engineering and physics is multiple decades ahead of all programs in existence. While others work within a box, we don't have a box, we burned it. Gosh darn I feel so stupid for thinking he could be a real mad genius. That website is literal meme material.
  19. Yeah, that sentence on one of his flickr post and some questionable claims made me 95% sure that this is a scam. But I was still holding out hope that maybe, just maybe I found a mad genius. But I wonder why he is doing this.. His website appears pretty genuine at the first glance, he has listed several pending patent filings which include, and I kid you not " Mass Production of Graphene, CVD, 95-97% Cost Reduction" "3D Printing Graphene, using Graphene Oxide Dust" (I think the so-called patents are hot air). Is he LARPing as Elon Musk? Almost 100% Graphene and Kevlar according to the guy.
  20. Is this legit? It reeks of optimism, but I am not an aviation expert, so I wont know.. http://www.ioaircraft.com/hypersonic/blueedge.php This person has blueprints of hypersonic transport, VTOL SSTO and hydrogen-powered commercial airliners. According to him these are all "based on my (his) own technology advances in Hypersonics which make Lockheed and Boeing look ancient." Edit: There's also a flickr page The pictures are pretty though....
  21. I tried to make a Munar Lifting body shuttle. It is inexpensive and fun to operate. The only major expendable part is a single SRB with some control surfaces Carries 5 kerbs to Munar orbit and back. However it has a very high stall speed, making it fly like an absolute brick. I also want to switch power production from fuel cells to solar panels in the craft's next iteration.
  22. How about a Jool-5 race? The player has to flyby all 5 moons of Jool with a single burn at the beginning. The one to flyby all the moons and get into the low orbit of the final moon is the winner.
  23. Would mRNA vaccines not work against Flu? Is this a new technology? KSP 1.11 looks and feels great, if only they iron out the bugs in the next patch. The next patch is worth waiting for. And no it was not lame, pretty sure the professionals would have said the same but in a more flowery language.
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