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Everything posted by Spacescifi

  1. Other than bombing cellphone towers and stations or lasing up satelites from the ground? Lasing satelites I think would get attention of the power players with nukes so I have a feeling there is no efficient means of dealing with cell phones using modern techonolgy. Even decoys would be problamatic because that would spend fighting resources on decoys and you cannot win merely with decoys. One solution that could kind of work is AI robot soldiers but nobody has those and frankly it will be really messed up when and if we ever do.
  2. I do not want this thread to get political but it may end up being locked anyway. Given the various capabilties cellphones have, I really do think invading any country where every Joe public has one will make the invasion difficult to succeed if not impossible. Cell phones provide covert intelligence and as we know, combining intelligence with tactical ability is the means of winning battles. It is considerably easier to pull off a successful invasion where average people neither have cell phones or good tactical abilities. I am not saying successful invasion is impossible, but you at least need enough intelligence and sufficient tactical ability to counter the advantages of cell phones and tactical ability that the place you are invading has.
  3. I hope they don't get sued for someone asking a question about how to win a certain war or how to build certain weapons.
  4. I have not read your full message so forgive me if this was answered already but why do they have to worry about rocket engines failing? I do not wonder if my car is going to fail unless I am aware it is already having issues. Are chemical rockets THAT unreliable? Everything is going fine until it is'nt? I think solid rockets are more reliable but have greater limitations. No one wonders if a solid fueled rocket is going to fail. What is the reason chemical rockets usually fail? You would think engineers would find a way to eliminate such uncertainty... especially with MANNED space flight. As for your jealousy over Matt going to the moon, it's worth noting that he is youtube famous... so that helps a great deal. To get what he gets then I imagine you would have to get your own youtube channel... with all the time and commitment that takes. Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole?
  5. Ah I see... danger Will Robinson! We are talking liquid explodium creating uber magnetic fields, you crash this thing and it is not blowing up small... it's going off like a nuke. Still thanks for indulging the science of this Brain. Regading black hole rocketry, what happens when you are not feeding it with propellant? You cannot just shut it off right? Why would a black hole starship not melt itself from the blackbod radiation of the black hole?
  6. Has anyone put Earshaws theorem to the test or has it been proven at both macro and micro scaling (I am aware tiny things do not behave exactly like normal or bigger things)?
  7. What if we applied Time Lord tech to propellant tanks? You know... weighs less than it should on the outside but is bigger on the inside. Example: You have a 1 ton propellant tank fitted to each rocket engine on your ship. Each tank is much bigger on the inside and can hold 100 ton of liquid hydrogen or even more of more dense propellants. Assuming we only used methalox, I reckon it could SSTO just fine. It's fuel efficiency would not be all that great, but the fact that it can carry enormous amounts of fuel without the universe factoring it in as mass until it goes through the combuston chamber would give a lot of flexibilty and allow for classic scifi SSTO adventures. Yeah it is cheating. No radiation but cheaty bigger on the inside lightweight fuel tanks for the win. It would explain Star Wars and other similar scifi quite well... since if those exhaust plumes were cancerous no one would fly around inhabited areas like they always do. It would even explain laser pistols, since you can literally have an industrial powerplant inside a suitcase size laser gun, suitcase size so you can enter the industrial powerplant yourself if you wished. Lots of missed opportunities that could explain all manner of safe-ish scifi tech that is still incredibly physics breaking.
  8. Alright... I admit I goofed up here. Still the concept of making your own propellabt aboard your vessel without having having to go SPEND propellant to get it sounds very attractive. I suppose going growing s bunch of corn and harvesting it for ethanol could work. If far from the sun is it not possible to just use articial lighting to do photosynthesis? You would still have to wait between harvests though if low on propellant.
  9. By uber I literally mean 1000 tesla strength permanent magnets and beyond. Why? I was thinking if such could be built you could configure them into a magnetic nozzle that would not need any power input for it's magnetic field. Unless you are going to tell me that permanent magnets lose magnetism overtime... right?
  10. Hmmm.... I also forgot it would need water to wash down and digest it's food... so I guess it would not work anyway unless we are recycling a whole lot of water and urine.... wait! That's it! Feed it beans and water and process the mega dump as rocket fuel. Excrement propellant exhaust lit up with antimatter... because raw sewage gunking up a NTR is a bad idea lol. We need a creature with a massive stomach and intestines to maximize production of... you know what.... and FUEL-BEAST was born. I love that name by the way lol. It probably would look like a spherical cow.
  11. Having virtually infinite delta v that's what. So long you have enough plant mass to feed it before next harvest you would never run out of blood. Granted... the vessel would be far easier to scale up than down... so that may lower it's overall thrust unless you are using antimatter/blood reactions for thrust.
  12. Really... I thought it was more sciency than superhero stuff? Fluorine reacts with blood... not that I recommend it. How well blood would be with a nuclear reactor I don't know. Antimatter of course makes just about anything propellant, the only benefit with blood being that you make your own propellant continuously. Sure I could be less gross and have people plant waternelon and uus the juice as propellant, but production on that would not be nearly as fast or regular as blood production. In the natural world, animal and non-plant cellular life I think are more advanced as biological machines than plants since unlike plants, they do far more than stand pretty in the sun. So blood is the fluid of the most advanced machinery we know of that is not manmade on planet earth. Combining it with rocketry seems like a good if weirdly unexpected match.
  13. Blood is the only liquid I know of that actually regenerates. So I came to the conclusion that... assuming one had created a large bio-mass blood bag organism that was fed plant matter to keep it alive but was otherwise non-sapient (using bio-engineering to turn bio-mass into an actual machine) could that be effective as rocket fuel in space? The way I see it yes. Yet it comes with some caveauts. 1. You need enough plant food to feed the blood bag organism so that it won't die and will continue to make that precious blood you are using as rocket propellant. And you need to either let sunlight into your spacecraft for the plants or use sun lamps. I presume the crew can use their fecal matter for fertilizer. 2. Liquid reactant or nuclear reactor or antimatter. Take your pick. Blood needs to react with something. Let's presume you have a 100 tons of blood as propellant but it only regenerates at the same rate as human blood. What does that mean? These articles are revealing. https://www.blood.co.uk/the-donation-process/after-your-donation/how-your-body-replaces-blood/ https://www.quora.com/How-long-does-it-take-for-the-human-body-to-replace-a-pint-of-donated-blood It would be awesome if there were a way to speed up the blood production but I reckon doing that would also increase the blood bag organism's energy (food) consumption requirements. Still... it would be pretty awesome to have propellant that regenerates... allowing for space mission flexibility we currently do not have.
  14. I had thought for a brief moment before posting my last comment that multiple nozzles routed to one engine could help with throttling... but then I thought not really since that is based more upon the engine itself. Yet it is true that for probably less expense and complication for vectoring thrusters you may want to just route off the main engine. Reduces waste heat as well.... yeah... I went THERE.
  15. Every nozzle I assume needs an engine behind it... that was ny presumption. It is unnecessary to have s cluster of nozzles fed by a single engine since it would serve no purpose. Every nozzle needs an engine. In fact every rocket I have seen I reckon has an engine behind the nozzles.
  16. Why not? This is in regard to stuff like mini-mag orion pulsed propulsion. What? Would magnets screw each other up or something being in such close proximity? Normal rocket nozzles are clustered together as opposed to using one big one, is there any good reason why you would not or cannot do the same with magnetic nozzles using a mini-mag propulsion system?
  17. Telekinesis man... the kilogram of water would not split up since last I checked flying water globes are not natural... telekinesis is an unnatural force which holds them together while also propelling them. I cannot read Russian. At most, far more Americans are taught spanish as an elective in school... since we have a large mexican population on the west coast and southwest as well as just about everywhere.... they nearly rival whites for population. Russian language is something we would do either in our spare time or in college. I regret not learning any languages in school but here we are.
  18. Yeah... it is just a conceit for how the power can be used.. I do not want it to be too overpowered. But even if I allow them to do sone basic water globe kinesis... water alone can di damage. Even a mere kilogram of water will likely hurt or injure if moved at whatever the highest acceleration the user last did so far in life while submerged in a liquid sphere (which is higher than what they could last without being submerged). So a 15g 1 kilogram sphere of water hitting someone after accelerating for 30 meters (max range of acceleration/hydro-kinesis is 100 meters) to hit a target would I reckon leave a mark... because mass is mass. A ton of feathers is as deadly as a ton of bricks. The good news is that since everyone has the same powers they can counter it. For example if someone decides to shoot a 3 ton water globe at you big enough to submerge a person, you could provide an equal opposite force that would collapse the sphere and make it blast out from it's sides like a shockwave. So long you noticed it in time to put up your hands to telekinetically diffuse it. Of course normal humans would rightly freak out and be at a disadvantage. Only good news for humans in a conflict with them is that they are no more durable than normal humans... bad news is they have greater offense and travel abilities if any body of open liquid is around. Beyond conflict... it's a great power to entertain with at parties.... you could steal people's drinks if they had open cups.
  19. Waste nothing.... I like that idea. Did your cats... the ones still living get in 9n the turkey feast? Sure they were aware of it if nothing else. I wonder if cat biology is subject to turkey induced sleepiness as it does to humans
  20. Just something cool since humanoid aliens are boring otherwise. Plot will come later but I can factor the powers into it easily. That's like saying magneto's powers do not matter... when so long there is metal around he can exploit it for the plot. Liquid and water is a whole lot more common than metal so... Perhaps... I only put it here because people did at least some calculations which although not what I requested was still useful.
  21. What do you mean that Titan and venus are not desert worlds? Do they have oceans of carbox dioxide? I think titan has lots of ice but I think it's carbon dioxide ice or something not water. Venus rains acid, so you may get pools of the stuff but it is so hot I doubt it would make any standing bodies of liquid last. Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are rumored to have oceans of hydrogen which sounds cool... but trying to reach it sounds suicidal because of the 500 mph winds you would encounter on the way down and stormy atmosphere.
  22. Well if you somehow found enough blood in a large open vat to immerse yourself in enough to make a liquid sphere... that could work. Incredibly gross though and you could not see where you were flying.
  23. True... but the power only works on liquid bodies... so moving people like telekinesis would not work. Another post brought out how unrealistic dry planets are.... at least ones with abundant life like Earth has.
  24. Yes you could easily capture dust and birds. Exploration would be faster too... may figure out the planet is round a lot sooner, as well as develop maps simply by following coastlines. Ocean ships would be for cargo and luxury cruising. Actually no need for gills. Dolphin blood holds more oxygen than our own so they can hold their breath for 15 minutes because dolphins have no gills. That is the same idea here I was going to use. Yes it is limited but specific hydrokinesis. Unless I actually do just that! Make it so whatever a water sphere submerges it can carry to fly with... and you can fly it within a 100 meters if you are not in it. Of course in that case it could be easily weaponized, so perhaps that is a bad idea. But if everyone has the power it would be moderated by that... like if everyone is super than no one is since others could stop anyone else by using their own hydro-kinesis. Obviously mark-1 humans would be at a serious disadvantage but that is the whole point lol.
  25. Good point... I would just dodge it. So unless you were able to run fast enough to keep yourself lined up with me I would be fine... sprinting is literally my talent by the way lol. Also the spheres must slow down as they near the powered person otherwise they would get hurt. Typically the liquid spheres slow to match the relative speed of the power user as it approaches so that at least relative to them the sphere stops right in front of them.
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