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Everything posted by Spacescifi

  1. So recently I thought of a superpower that would not be overpowered but would still be very useful. I needed it to not be overpowered since I wanted to create a scifi race where EVERYONE had the same power. It is not overpowered since while it can be used for war, you would have difficulty using only the power alone to fight. It is mainly useful for fast but safe-ish travel. Liquid-immersive flight: A person submerges in water or any other liquid and the liquid forms a liquid sphere around them and they can fly about. Top acceleration is whatever acceleration makes them pass out and lose consciousness... which for humans can be anywhere from 6g to 10g definitely. So long their body is completely submerged in the liquid sphere they can stay flying or hovering. They cannot stop the liquid sphere from evaporating over time though, so they would have to land eventually on hot days. Also if a person wills it the liquid sphere will collapse like normal and they will once again fall or be subject to gravity. Secondary power: if there is enough liquid to completely immerse a person within a 100 meter radius and there is a clear path between the person and the liquid, they can hold out their hand toward it if they wish to fly and a liquid sphere will form and fly toward them so they can jump into it. Much like Thor in the MCU... only with liquid spheres large enough to immerse a person completely. Water absorbed by the ground or other solids cannot be pulled out, so only bodies of liquid can be 'pulled' at a maximum distance of 100 meters toward a person with power. Why useful: With normal flight you would need a visor so debris won't hit you in the eyes/face. With a liquid sphere surrounding you you're largely shielded. Also you will not have to fly prone like superman since it won't make a difference to the liquid sphere. You can fly forward standing upright. So long you do not fly fast enough to boil the liquid sphere into steam you should be fine. Also do not fly too high because again... the less air the faster the liquid sphere will evaporate. Calculations: How fast would you have to fly to cause the liquid sphere to steam boil away in midair? Let's assume a person of average height 5'8 and a liquid sphere of water is surrounding them as they fly.
  2. Worldbuilding is something you only get to do if you rule a country... even then we are products of all that came before us, and we cannot erase that without severe pushback. I honestly think if a president tried to do what you said regarding holidays lawmakers would laugh at him and say, "Why fix what is not broken?" I believe others think as you do, but the majority I think is utterly indifferent to your 'plight' if I can even call it that lol. I never get drunk... I have enough issues functioning sober so I would probably get fired in a week if I was a drunk lol.
  3. Well yes but.... why would you want a donut shaped planet beyond the rule of cool? Besides, the only quick and efficient way of making one involves using a deathstar in a far more surgical manner.
  4. Strong gravity (moon strength or higher) tends to compress solids into spheres. So unless a planet is hollow and very low gravity... it will always be a sphere. It's the same reason you are unlikely to find a donut-shaped planer occurring naturally... because gravity would cause the open hole to shrink until the planet collapsed in on itself and filled it.
  5. Too bad turkey is not more popular. I assure you that a single turkey can feed a lot of people at once... it's like the 'steak' of fowl given how thick the meat is. The day after Americans are often tired since eating turkey causes an increase in serotonin which makes folks tired or at ease. Turkey is a great family gathering food.
  6. Thanks for the cultural interchange. I suspect that oranges and other fruits are imported a lot? I say this because of all the canned food I saw. Over here (I am west coast) we only buy canned if we do not want to cook as much but we can just as easily buy fresh fruit and vegetables. I have seen sprauts before in a middle eastern store... fun fact, they were selling spraut cans of the brand you showed made in your country... but after you know what happened now when I look at the label it says they are made in some nearby baltic country , I forget which one I have never had them... what? Are sprauts like sardines or better or worse? More or less salty? Or are oranges etc actually grown over there? The mayo fish cake looks disturbing but I could probably get used to it as I like fish. If you wanted to have an American style turkey dinner would be able to find turkey and other ingredients easily?
  7. You know the writers on the wiki page neither thought this through nor expect readers to. Anymore than the 'turbolasers' which are'nt even lasers.
  8. So what do you feast on new years? What food? As far as I know in America New Years is just a day to party, it is a lot less food-centric than Thanksgiving... you are unlikely to see a big turkey dinner with family on New Years in America. You are likely to see beer though.
  9. You have a point, I guess using Earth as a sample makes one use Earth as the standard... but seriously there are only so many ways you get enough oxygen to breath. Earth has so much ocean that even without plants I reckon/suppose the ocean will give up some oxygen atoms into the atmosphere anyway. With just desert on the surface you won't even have that.
  10. Hmmm... I got both shots, never had any boosters though. I do not think I ever had covid-19, if I did it was at the beginning of it when I had flu-like symptoms and my family quarantibed me for two weeks. I never lost my sense of taste though. So maybe it was just the flu?
  11. Sorry bro. I feel bad for ya. I very much enjoyed my turkey. Hopefully you still will later. I think Darth speaks for all here regarding your situation:
  12. For Americans it is often Turkey Day (AKA Thanksgiving). It is the one day a year where average American bellies will be stuffed... almost guaranteed. I know mine was. I only eat turkey around Thanksgiving since any other time of year it is more expensive to buy. What day is your feast day and what do you eat on it?
  13. So Tantooine is either pure fiction or a world that was terraformed. Knowing star wars I would not be surprised is if it was barren world with no atmosphere and they just terraformed it so that it did.
  14. I mean imagine a desert world with no ocean or even natural lakes or rivers on the surface... only ground water beneath as well underground rivers and subterranean lakes. Could such a world even exist naturally? I do not think so... unless some giant animal or a horde of smaller ones has a habit of boring through the crust. Also, I suppose if a desert world has no water on the surface than it is so hot that the waters evaporate on the surface. Meaning subterranean would be the only place to live. So all in all... I guess I am implying that desert worlds like tantooine would be more hostile than they appear if designed as in the OP.
  15. Hahaha! Elephant space program! Now I wanna see a movie with intelligent elephant civilization. That would be weird. Probably only be one or two astronauts per rocket given how heavy they are. Not a lot of cars either... just trains.
  16. So Thanos apparently loves some titanium or zirconium solid booster missiles lol. Too bad they are either very poor at being missiles or the Avengers base materials are OP with plot armor. Nobody other than supers should have survived that.
  17. Thank you! By 'mileage' I meant the ability of a spaceship to land upon or orbit closely around celestial bodies, instead of merely fly by them at high speed. Once your propellant tank is empty you are done, both literally and figuratively in manned spaceflight. Propellant is literally like the life blood of a spacecraft... only problem is that we are throwing it out to function as a spaceship. So unless you wanna crash land or burn up on reentry, 'high mileage' is generally the better option for any manned flight. Thanks... one day I may indeed learn the rocket equation... but current demands in my life require priorities associated with my own future more than anything else. And yes I had come to realize scifi SSTOs like in the movies would require either a revolution in physics or just making it all up.... so I will make it up. The main limits being a cap on max acceleration, since if you increase power to scifi engines to accelerate higher than the cap the engines will explode... thus the acceleration cap. A 3g acceleration cap is useful for most things... though I think some have told me that places with gravity of 3g or higher the ship would struggle to escape from or not even be able to... at least not without disposable rocket boosters that do not have a 3g cap on their acceleration. So no deep diving into Jupiter.... that is insane anyway lol.
  18. As I am aware a blue flame is hotter than a yellow one, which means a more energetic reaction.... which may even mean higher thrust. Has anyone ever made a SRB with blue rocket plume exhaust? I remember I saw such in the movies but never in real life. Could even more thrusty future SRBs be made in the future due to advanced chemical or matter engineering? I want to believe yes... since mankind has by no means reached the end of development of rocket technology. The only real barriers are physical laws and waste heat, such as if you really did make a solid booster that burned too hot you may damage your engine while using it.
  19. It is too bad no one ever built mini-mag orion then. As overall it is safer the the original. I suppose launching it would be crazy expensive though so maybe that is why. It would probably be constructed in orbit since launching it in one piece would probably require KSP level extreme boosters quantities. So just to be clear, does mini-mag give greater mileage and an overall higher top speed than the original orion while the original trades high higher mileage for higher thrust at the cost of a lower top speed? Because if that is the case then only in niche cases would you even want to have an original orion design built. Seems to me that for go for heaviest payloads... like if you go crazy and make a mini-mag as heavy as a project orion battleship.... then a full comparison could be made. So I presume the only difference is that mini-mag has a higher top speed but takes longer to get there, whereas the original orion has a lower top speed but gets there faster than the mini-mag? Am I right or wrong?
  20. So for a manned mission with payload how does this compare to the original Orion? What? Does mini-mag Orion out perform the original in every way? Or is there anything the original project orion does better than mini-mag?
  21. Hmmm... are you implying that mini-mag Orion yeets the bomb out far behind the ship like with the original pusher plate before detonating it? Perhaps I was unaware or wrong, but I presumed mini-mag orion used lasers on fuel pellets as they passed out the magnetic nozzle to create fusion blasts. Or I assumed a bomb was blown up within the magnetic nozzle and the resulting plasma was propeled backward for thrust. Nonetheless detonating a bomb farther out sounds reasonable because detobating it inside the nozzle would risk damaging it from debris. Farther away detonations are safer for the magnetic nozzle I presume?
  22. This is why for all the improved efficiency of mini-mag orion... the original project Orion may still carry more payload, since the mini-mag would need a lot of radiator panels to approach the thrust of the original Orion... unless you are shipping less payload than the original to begin with.
  23. How about doping metal beads into liquid propellant for an extra kick? Something very reactive with LOX? I am throwing stuff against the wall here to see what sticks. As far as I can tell the extra mass shot out the back would deliver extra thrust. Or we could just go crazy and put enriched uranium beads in liquid methane and light it up with LOX. Probably blow up the rocket lol. I am not sure if using a reactor and liquid propellant doped with metal beads is a good idea... but who knows?
  24. And what America both does and does not do often has a domino effect on other parts of the world. Whether anyone likes it or not America is very influential, but less so on places it could care less about lol.
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