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Mortimer Kerman

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Everything posted by Mortimer Kerman

  1. A year on Kerbin lasts 426 days (426.08333... precisely) spread over 12 months of 35 or 36 days. Each week lasts 7 days whose names are indicated below: Münday Dunday Mohday Jooday Evday Eelday Sunday/Kerday And in French (because I am French): Mundi Dundi Mohdi Joodi Evedi Eeldi Kramanche A leap year occurs every 12 years, and the first month of the year then lasts 36 days. A munar month lasts about one week (6.4333333... days). Each day on Kerbin lasts 6 hours, so a year lasts 2556.5 hours. If anyone has ideas for names for the months, requests for numbers that I have forgotten, or requests for translation of the days of the week, do not hesitate to ask me!
  2. Go in the RSS files. Search saturn.cfg and sun.cfg (or the_sun, or SUN...). Open the 2 files with a simple text editor. Go in the event horizon files, search murph.cfg and anomaly_-insert anomaly name here-.cfg. Open the documents. In jupiter.cfg, copy the name of the planet and paste it in place of jool in anomaly.cfg. (and add a 0 in the orbit height of anomaly). Go in sun.cfg, copy the name of sun, and paste it in place of sun in murph.cfg (and add a 0, here, too). For murph, don't make this immediately. I will try it tomorrow and change my comment if it's wrong (I'm french).
  3. Because we can't mod planets without it. I would just the possibility to mod planets without Kopernicus.
  4. I have an idea. Could you, Squad or a modder, allow the KAL-1000 to be used in EVA? I'm tired of having to switching on my ship to be able to switch on a KAL-1000 before reswitching on my Kerbal in EVA. Just being able to start the sequence would be enough, no need to give access to the programming of the KAL-1000 (At least, for kerbals who are not engineers).
  5. FAR? What is that? I say that, I say nothing, but Galacticraft manages to pressurize confined spaces. (But Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program don't work the same way, so ...)
  6. KAS, KIS, MechJeb2, Kopernicus, ScanSat, Hyperedit, VesselMover, and the mod for glass panels. (And Tilt’Elm, the mod for planet axis inclination)
  7. I know it will be very difficult to set up, but if you have the courage, Squad or a mod developer, you could make it possible to pressurize closed spaces like this one and remove your helmet in it thanks to a pressurization device, it could be funny.
  8. First, I will make it work on my computer (average quality, but respectable), then, I will optimize for small platforms if I can and if I have the courage, and I will create a pack of mods gathering all that is necessary for its operation (but Making History and Breaking Ground will still be necessary for its operation). I think that converting the map frame from .craft to .mu would be a good solution to reduce the weight by transforming it into a single piece on which I add gameplay elements like doors and devices. In addition, since we do not control the ship, but a Kerbal moving in it, the performance will be much better. Sorry for the mistakes, i’m french.
  9. Yes, the map is an unique ship made in the editor. So, the finished map will only be a .craft file.
  10. I'm starting to make a gameplay map in KSP, where Jeb wakes up in a prison and has to escape in a series of tests and puzzles using various mods, including KIS, Tweakscale, Breaking Ground, First Person EVA and parts specially created for the map. Do you think this is an interesting project?
  11. Thanks But why you don't add in the settings an option to change the username ?
  12. Can you change my username into Mortimer Kerman, please? Because i'm Mortimer Kerman everywhere but not here...
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