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Provisional Name 18

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Everything posted by Provisional Name 18

  1. I've so far made 2 cfg files for a star and a planet (realistic sizes btw). Module Manager successfully loads them, but the system doesn't load in the game. I've looked at the GPO mod as reference for replacing the stock system, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is there a specific line of code that I need to input, or is there some other file that I'm missing?
  2. Ok thanks for the clarity. I would post a video of what's going on with the thermal nozzle, but i don't know how to, lol. Just one more question, when you say that the reactor is too far from the nozzle, do they have to be touching?
  3. So, I'm have a bit of trouble with the reactors in this mod. The fission ones work fine, but the other reactors required for plasma, thermal, and magnetic engines are BROKE AF. The reactors for the thermal ones somewhat work, but only when I activate the engine, but it flickers on and off like 500 time a second (not literally). The molten salt reactor will not work even though the control window says it's on, and the pen cycle reactor is producing thermal power, but the reactor won't produce any heat energy, so the plasma engine won't work, and the thermal power generator is attached to it, it says that it's not attached to a reactor. (If there needs to be any other pictures, please tell me)
  4. This actually worked, thank you so much!
  5. Now that I think about it, I think I was downloading the version of Kerbal Konstructs instead of, but I don't know if making less history would work because it said on SpaceDock that it would work on ksp 1.6.1
  6. Just so everyone is aware before they read this, I was playing the 1.7.0 version of this mod. Yea, nearly a month later and I found out that it's not my computer. I tried out the mod on my friend's computer (which is an MSI with a GTX 1040 Graphics Card), and I went to land at the Lua base, and when I went to plant the flag, the kerbal this time wasn't spinning, but still wasn't moving, so I tried to quicksave the game, exit and join back, but I literally couldn't click anything. Clicking the "space center" button on the top of the screen wouldn't' work, pressing escape and clicking "exit game" wouldn't work, and when I toke down the flag and went to plant another one, I consistently clicked the "plant flag" button, and the kerbal wouldn't place a flag, and the flag counter went into the negatives (don't know why this was implemented in the game). TL;DR: Thought that mod was buggy because of my computer, but later found out that my computer wasn't causing the issue.
  7. This happened anywhere. It happened on Lua, Armstrong, and on other planets. I don't know if it's my computer or not cuz I play on a mac.
  8. Mod looks amazing, but one thing that has happened to me ever since 1.6.1 is that when I plant a flag, most of the time my kerbal starts to spin and is no longer able to move. Does anyone else have this, or is it just me?
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