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Everything posted by PositronLance001

  1. good point. They're cheap, light, and OK to use. Also if you're playing career or science, they are low on the tech tree, and are cheap.
  2. Also normally the verniers look like warts (ugly). I think they should look like the linear RCS (barely visible), and have one-direction gimbal.
  3. I like the fuel cell, but I always found it annoying that you had to use LF+OX. Why don't we have atmospheric fuel cells and hybrid ones? They're totally a thing!
  4. also shuttles are a lot more trouble than they're worth, unless you're trying to go for replicas. Speaking from experience here.
  5. Also could let us make more compact designs. sometimes u just can't fit legs. I mean the mini ones are ok but break SUPER easily.
  6. I think there should be 6x, 8x, and 10x physics warp for accelerations <0.5g (ie. dawn craft)
  7. That sounds like starbucks but kerbal!
  8. I tested them and they're totally ok. no buff needed.
  9. Or they have implanted Heavy-Element fusion reactors, and snacks are fused in their stomachs! That means they only have to eat every couple of months!
  10. If you're willing to give up biology, you could use compressed air for pistons !
  11. Agreed. The O-10s are smaller than a kerbal. Now look at the Shuttle OMS engines. ,
  12. Stock Falcon 9 landing struts This is what we need for landable boosters!
  13. How do I update KSP without Steam? I only have 30 mins to do it. I WANT MOAR BOOOOOSTEEEEEERS!!!!!!!! Also I do have mods, but only hyperedit.
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