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Everything posted by OrbiterAirFields

  1. more electric engines, I am making a space craft that cannot land, and I don't want to have to put a refueling station at every planet, I have my reasons why I don't want to land my ship, for example I have tried this many times, landing it on every planet, with max fuel, it still blows up, plus I can't get it off the planet. If more electric engines were added, I would be happy and people could make more ships the use electricity as fuel.
  2. yes, I am going to remake it, but better, the first one had no oxidizer.
  3. I have had the exploding legs, I had to remove all my crafts with legs on them, my mun lander failed because of this.
  4. Yes, I have a family, and I live with them, I am not 18... ...yet.
  5. I know, plus I have not gotten around to getting the images working, plus the craft file was deleted, by my brother, he is mean.
  6. np! just giving you the welcome I got! the first time I ever joined
  7. Welcome! @kerbonara have a good time on the forums, and I would read the rules.
  8. Their is! a failed rocket that had my mun base ended up with not being able to fly corectly, so I just unpacked it and landed all parts and started a colony at the KSC XD, a picture will be here soon of it.
  9. Hay, I have been trying to insert images for the ship I made recently, how would I do this on a desktop machine?
  10. I was a cybus one, now I am a panda XD
  11. I have, I put in pictures. I am not going to change it nvm, I remembered it dose not work
  12. soon thanks! idk what UKS is, plus I want it to be USS.
  13. I have bad news, I am unable to do this, I have lost interest in this, and I have tried to fix the problems with the ship. I am sorry, but this ship is canceled. I will be starting a new thread for a good ship that works. Sorry all!
  14. I wish I could see the pictures, but I can't, cause my computer sucks, its a thinkpad, it is really bad, don't get a Yoga 11e, they suck, and yes Lenovo, I am talking crap about you.
  15. thanks! but their are parts that could not be made in a mod, like more landing struts, most modded ones I have seen have no animation.
  16. I have played the game for one year now, and I still suck XD
  17. If modded parts are their, I use them, every once in a while, I use stock.
  18. make a DLC with more parts, for building space stations.
  19. It was 17 missions, not 11 apollo missions. I know this because I am a space nerd, I also looked it up.
  20. I started work on my mun lander, I have never landed on the mun, and got back, I have landed (crashing counts) but I never left.
  21. Hello... Delete I am a cyberman I am a cybus cyberman you will become like us
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