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Everything posted by OrbiterAirFields

  1. ah, thanks for telling me, I will be disabling autostrut on landinglegs when I use them.
  2. press alt+f12 then locate the create a kerbal button, make a new version.
  3. You sir, are a mad man. Adding stuff like this is a great idea! You could have a large(ish) ship with low fuel, and an asteroid mining base and fuel that way, I can say how many times I have ran out of fuel when trying to dock to a place, once, it was a large ship, in orbit of kerbin, I lost the ship, luckily I was able to save the crew by taking them on a shuttle, but jeb, the captain, died. I was soooooooooo mad cause I was going to fast and hit the station, even worse, it was the solar panel wing, so the station lost power until I docked (horribly) a new solar panel wing. I lost the world sadly. I still blame the oberth class that I had docked at it for the loss of that ship.
  4. Hey, so I was wondering, is there any way to get oxidizer? I am planning on building an interplanetary ship that can go between planets, have something land, collect fuel, take off, dock, and make fuel. I have not played around much with fuel collection. Any ways to do this?
  5. the funny thing is, I was already here, just on a different account.
  6. Welcome to the forums! Have a great time here!
  7. Hello! I am here now, I do aircraft, that's all I do, literally, maybe the odd space plane here and their, but I mainly do air craft, and also the odd starship.
  8. You can't, but you can auto strut parts and strut parts. As of right now, extenable solar panels can break, but the ones you can attach stay on unless damaged or blown off due to heat or other forces.
  9. Can't wait for it to come out! I am so glad to see more being added in DLC form!
  10. your right, its worth $14.99, infact its worth more, it could be an entire new game, but no, they are giving us it for $14.99, cause you can't afford it does not mean you can't save money for it.
  11. So today I have built a bomber, the KB-1, the worst, most unconventional, and hardest to land aircraft in KSP. I spent a good few hours on this, I had lots of fun and here are so pictures. Day Night I can never land this on the runway EVER the two bombs and where I put the reaction wheels Download here! https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kb-1 (may not work, if not try again in a bit.)
  12. Yes, sorry it took so long to respond!
  13. I am actualy doing this, I am just going through school right now.
  14. the panda is a protected species, and is loved by many, like me, I like them alot.
  15. @rawghi, don't try to make @ShadowGoat feel more guilty.
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