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Everything posted by Marachdrifter

  1. Souviens toi qu'un panneau solaire pour les expérience au sol produit une unité de courant, mais que si elle est installée par un ingénieur, elle en produira 2. Les expériences rapporteront plus de sciences si elles sont installés par un scientifique. ça vaut donc la peine d'ammener en mission une équipe complète et que chacun ai sa tâche attitrée
  2. It have to be a specific type of rock. It should be small and not readable by the probe. Once you see it get a Kerbal on it, and right click on your Kerbal. It should read : pick up mun rock. You click on that. The rock will disappear completely. It’s now in your inventory. If the rock doesn’t disappear, you have the wrong one.
  3. Si tu joue avec breaking ground, cette mission devrait être l’experience au sol de glairine mystérieuse. Elle doit être installée avec une station de contrôle et des panneau solaires. Une fois en place il suffit d’attendre et la station enverra des données périodiquement à Kerbin
  4. Multiple monitor support. I want to have my ship in full view in one monitor, and the map in my second, or i want to have one ship in one monitor and a second ship in the second one when docking so that i can control both of them at the same time, or having Kerbals in EVA in one screen and the ship in the second one.... things like that. i think you get the idea...
  5. There’s a few things missing. There should be a button somewhere to toggle between normal flight and docking mode (but it could be 13) and there should be orbital informations somewhere with timer to either next rendez-vous point, projected apoapsis and periapsis etc like what we got in room to manoeuver. I also don’t see view contracts (but that can disable in the mode they are in and enable in career mode. There an empty spot between 14 and 15 that could be full be that) But i really hope that we get a modular UI that we can snap were we want on the screen
  6. That is if they go for interstellar navigation. It's totally possible that you set your ship trajectory, fire your engine, and once you leave the kerbol System you ship disapear from the game. at that point, you unlock a new "stage" that is independant from the kerbol system. I say this because i wonder if the game can actually keep track of several systems at the same time. with that model, if you are playing in anothger star system, the others are paused, and each system would have their own time, or that the other systems are on pause and that the game will ajust itself for the time you spend in another system when you return to kerbol for exemple. that way it is not tracking several star systems in real time.
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