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Posts posted by fragtzack

  1. The one type of contract that Breaking Ground is sorely missing is contracts that require prop plane engine planes and/or helicopters. 


    The new prop parts allowing for helicopters and prop planes are wonderful, now just need some contracts to encourage practical use instead of "just because" reasons.


  2. Be nice to have a 1.875 liquid fuel only tank for nuke engine. Well aware of ISP, but generally prefer to not use mods if can do with stock tools. Funny thing, Missing History doesn't seem like a mod to me :)


    The booster engine included with Missing History seems a bit too good compared to all the new boosters with 1.8.0 Moar Boosters update. THK Pollux has the best stats of all the boosters, could use a tad nerf.

  3. I like the new drag physics, airplanes handle better. However..


    Keep encountering many bugs with 1.8.


    the latest bug this morning is that in career mode, accepted a mission to test the LV -909 Terrier in a splash down test. Set up the rocket and went to launch pad and boom, mission failed without ever launching. Got another mission this time to test LV-909 on the launchpad. Same thing happened again.


    Stopped playing 1.8 until some bugs are fixed.


  4. Strongly disagree with the conclusions here but appreciate the effort and chart. 

    The Flea is a great career mode engine, especially at the start and even far in when you take a mission that requires a "Splash down item test". Cheapest and easiest engine to launch from the pad into the water.

  5. Appreciate the update and bug fixes. This patch created new bugs though. 


    Bugs noticed so far:


    1. When landed a capsule via parachute(haven't tried other methods yet) back on Kerbin, the module bounces up and down sort of like a jitter. There is no landing legs, just a traditional parachute capsule. Tried tweaking all kinds of graphic settings to no avail.If save the game and reload though, the jitter goes away. Seems a physics issue, not a graphics..could be wrong.

    2. In career mode, collected science with a car from around KSC. This one time after collecting science from the crawler way, the vehicle crashed. Collected science data had been put in that container thing item. Instead of revert to launch per normal, I had done a recover vehicle. Recover vehicle action got zero science collected. Now the bug part comes in : After going back to the crawler way to recollect the data that was lost on crash, there was no science to be collected anymore (all zero). As if the data had already been collected and credited(it wasn't credited)

    3. Second trip to mun, an orbit. The PE point was graphically off the travel line, but was otherwise working fine. Never seen this before.


    Zero mods installed



    Deployed science kits are buggy and need work for sure. 


    What gets me is the lack of battery and how part of the message spam from the controller  is due to not being able to send science back to Kerbin occurs because the deployed science is on the dark side of a planet not getting sunlight on the solar panels.

    Sending electronics powered by solar panels to space without a battery is a DOH! moment and not the type of methodical thinking that got humans or kerbals to the moon. 

    What is even more silly on this topic of a lack of a battery is the deployed science controller kit actually tries to the send the message back to kerbin when there is NO power. 

    Squad, be logical and methodical by  adding a battery backup.

  7. 17.3 patch has introduce some new bug with deployed science. Been getting spammed about every 30 minutes of game time with messages about the goo experiment from a deployed science kit on the mun. The messages are saying the transmissions sends successfully, but occurs so frequent gets very annoying. When warping at high time values, the message spam is almost non-stop. 

    The message is only appearing briefly in the upper left of screen AND does not require clearing the message queue (upper right box) , so this is slightly different bug then the bug already described. Appears to be a new bug introduced with 17.3.

    Seems many things with these deployed science kits are not being fully tested.



  8. Snark, agree. The "message spam" bug was the only reason that I originally thought of a battery. After thinking about a battery, started realizing how silly it is from a designer to send solar powered devices in space (or almost anywhere) without a battery. 

    To the points about real world RTG: The way I read the specs available on the internet concerning RTG devices sent to space, they still include actual lithium batteries to handle peak electrical draw periods that the RTG cannot handle.

    As for this game not including a battery as part of the design:

    Seems  short sighted to say "we want these devices to only work in Sunlight and thus no batteries", yet somehow the deployed Controller unit tries to send data when it has no power (cause of lack of sunlight)

  9. "Half the day" means the planet is rotating and half the planet does not have sunlight.

    The problem in detail:

    1. They developed fairly cool electrical parts that are intended to reside on a  planet surface.

    2. A Planet's surface is subject to varying degrees of sunlight due to planetary rotations.

    3. At the equator, a spot on the surface will mostly get half a day with sunlight and half a day without sunlight.

    4. The deployed science controller is designed to send science(when the science is ready) back to Kerbin when communications(such as a relay) comes in range to the controller->satellite dish combo deployed science units.

    5. If the relay comes overhead the deployed science during the dark side of the rotation, the solar panels of the deployed science parts do not have power to send the science.

    6. This lack of communication from the deployed science due to the dark side of the planet not powering the solar panels causes message spam to the end user.


    Again, NO electrical  parts have ever been designed or actually sent into space without a battery system that I know of. I am sure some smart alecs are going to come up with some witty work arounds, but the bottom line is that electrical equipment sent into space without batteries is a glaring design over sight especially for something seeming so simple to implement in code. Sure, only allow the experiment to run in the day light is fine. But sending the science collected through the relay systems should be able to happen during planetary day or night cycle. 



  10. A battery system for the deployed science Satellite Dish. 

    So annoying to keep getting messages for half the day saying can't communicate because no sunlight on the solar panels.

    No scientist would design electrical items to go in space without batteries. 


    Major miss by squad on this design. Seems really simply to fix too.


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