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  1. Oh, that much I'm glad is intentional - it's quite entertaining to see my painstakingly crafted vessels blow up out of nowhere. Although the minor issue I'm tryna report (that I probs coulda phrased better lol) is that the animations for the shutters aren't working. They're just permanently stuck open, regardless of the state of the actual engine. Have other people mentioned this, by any chance?
  2. Hi there! Got a minor bug to report. The OPT-J and K VTOL thrusters are a godsend and have absolutely revolutionized my aircraft, though while the shutters are toggleable, their in-game model is not. It's certainly not a problem, although I've got too much of a pea brain to remember to re-open them more than half the time (seeing as they look the same regardless of their state), which has led to a few moments of explosive disassembly. Is this a known issue? I'd imagine someone else has noticed it by now as well lol
  3. Hmm. The issue got weirder - sometimes when I enter a planet's sphere of influence, its surface just straight up doesn't load. Like it'll be pure white, rather than frosty white - no water, no mountains, nuthin. And then, seemingly at random, it'll snap back into existence. What is happening??
  4. Hi there! I dunno if anyone else is experiencing this or not, but I've been having a weird bug with Parallax recently. I have EVE, Scatterer, and True Volumetric Clouds installed, as well as the Kcalbeloh mod, and for some reason, my planets are coming out all frosty and white, like they're covered in ice and snow. Lovely for Eeloo, less great for gorgeous planets like Eve or Laythe. I'd add the screenshots I've taken of the issue, but I have no idea how to add an image via URL. Same problem with the logs that I've got - I have them, but I dunno how to post them here.
  5. So um im not a very techy person im getting the same fatal error message what do i do cuz idk how to edit code and stuff
  6. I can't use the physics warp in space, even though I've seen other people do it. How do I activate it in space?
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