As I stated, they start undocked and dock upon loading to get around the “Decouple Node” situation. Because of this, I don’t need to use “Decouple Node”. Also, you can see me try again (when the arms start actuating) in the video after manually undocking in the PAW menu and redocking. The action group that triggers the arms moving also undocks those ports, so everything should go when just the arms and panels appear to be activated in the video.
Sure thing. I have moved past using it, but I would still like to see if this really is intended behavior.
Craft File: Cargo Shuttle
Basically, action group 0 activates the arms folding in/out, the solar panels, and, in theory, undocks the securing ports from inside the cargo bay. I shouldn’t need this functionality once they add the self collision option in the PAW menu, but it would be nice to use docking nodes as anchors for floppy robotic arms and the like.
Edit: Sorry about the long response time. I’m not new to the game, but I’m new to the forum and, as such, my posts take just a bit longer to go up!