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Azic Minar

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  1. When in doubt, copy/back up files to a different spot on your computer. That said, you can delete that duplicate from one file or the other, just not both. As long as you back up, you are golden (most of the time because the kracken could seek vengeance)
  2. @Lisias You are two steps from writing code that can stop the death spins by pressing a side bar button
  3. When reading through the logs of my install, I found that KSP froze trying to create drag cubes on a few parts, which is why I asked in case it was the drag cube for that part you mentioned. This means we have one less possible culprit. I am by no means talking bad about Kopernicus Continued. They are doing the best they can with such a monster of code and I wish that I knew more to help everyone.
  4. Is it on trying to draw the drag cube? Also, do you have Kopernicus continued?
  5. I did more tests and Kopernicus runs just fine in the original steam instillation, but not in my slimmed down install. Which the slimmed down is just copy , paste, and unnecessary mods deleted for a faster install. But I can crash KSP with this config: Now the same config (Minus a separate one for Duna since its not getting moved) works just find and I see I need to mess with the meanAnomallyAtEpoch a little to get Ike and Dres to be opposite. Here: Log that cuts off right at the crash https://www.audunis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/KSP7122020.zip
  6. Yes. Didn't realize that was a firespitter plug in and I pulled that from my testbed mod folder
  7. Is there a way to force support on an item that has buoyancy? Like inflatable floats. I found out after hard writing the support in that its getting removed. I've not mastered inserting features into parts yet, though working with kopernicus is teaching me that know-how @TranceaddicT @Lisias also, thank both of you
  8. Ye, I think it qas BDB now that you mention it, but I'm also not home to check that
  9. That makes sense. I've noticed that with some models, you can't just create a new part file to reference them. They seam to reject it and only the original one works.
  10. Go going through and removing extra spaces and dots and dashes should help?
  11. I had the first build of Kopernicus Continued working on .1.10 with GPP GEP OPM Outer Kerbin and a bunch of other planet mods. I can confirm where earlier in the thread its a mater of atmospheric curves needing to be rewritten for them as well as some settings updatings. What I can say is that last night I seriously borked my game to where I had to revalidate files. So I copied my game to a new folder after validating and now nothing in Kop is working. At first I thought it was because I updated moduel manager to 4.1.4, but that seams to not be the case when I reverted back. After a few more trials, I'm at a loss as to why it won't load any Kopernicus related mods after working for so long, so I downloaded the dev branch for 1.10 to try again. Unless the issue is trying to do: Now I haven't tried my original mod that just moves Laythe and minmus around, not Kerbin as well. Though I'm thinking its this. I'll have a KSP log if this doesn't load correctly this time. @R-T-B New test with your newest dev of Kop hangs up on WBI Solar Trusses. Still seeing if I can figure this out before I lob up some files
  12. In debunking my great game bork, I found out that a lot of parts have unholy characters when tweakscale is looking at them. What are unholy characters so that I can remove them? I also notice that support is removed when parts have buoyancy. I must be missing the right issues to read up on in the github repository. Though the negative mass issue makes me wonder if that can be written into a mod as an in flight activation
  13. CC is amazing, but yikes, that's something I've not noticed and I love the mod.
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