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Everything posted by Neganix

  1. Thanks for the info! I'll probably try to remove Kopernicus for now as well. Mm, can I just remove Kopernicus from the "game data" folder and expect Spectra to work normally or will it break the mod? I remember reading somewhere about a guide how to install Spectra without Kopernicus, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere! I'm normally using CKAN and I think it's impossible to to install mods without their dependencies from there?
  2. I'm having a huge performance drop with this mod when I'm landing on Duna (only one I've tested). Everything's running all fine and smooth but at Duna around 2 km height the fps starts dropping all the way to somewhere below 10 fps, which pretty much makes it unplayable... Launching from SC, orbiting, re-entry back to Kerbin all works fine - fps good all the way. At Duna something strange happens...? Anyone else having this issue? Any ways to fix this?
  3. Hi, Just started using this mod. Very nice mod and I can't believe I've found this out only now! However I am having the same issue as @IamJimmy so whenever I pause the game with ESC (and if the trajectories GUI is visible), it causes the window to disappear and the toolbar button becomes unresponsive. So the whole thing becomes basically completely useless. There's no way to fix this (as far as I know) other than reverting to launch (also maybe by going back to Space Center..? I haven't tested this).
  4. Will this fix the issue of controls taking over multiple vessels simultaneously?
  5. Hi, First of all, this is an absolutely fantastic mod! Thank you! Is there any plans on updating the mod for KSP1.7 and above? Basically the mod works all right on 1.7 as well, but I'm having a pretty big issue, that prevents me from using it at the moment: The controls control multiple vessels simultaneously. This is quite bad, as you can imagine. Separating two vessels and the firing up the thusters, activates them on both vessels. Also same for turning the vessel (yaw, pitch, roll), and as far as I know, for every other controller input action. Only workaround I know is just to completety shutdown every engine & RCS and reaction wheel on the other vessel to avoid this. It messes up your missions so easily that I just had to go back using keyboard, which feels very awkward after playing with this mod. There's also some controls that have been updated to 1.7, like rover throttle for instance. There's no axis for it anymore, but instead rover drive forward and backward bindings, or something like that (I'm not on my computer at the moment so I can't double check). PS. I've only recently discovered this mod, so I haven't used it prior to 1.7, so I do not know if these are some known issues already..?
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