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  1. Well, I fixed my issues. Basically should have done this a while ago, but I just deleted KAS and KIS and reinstalled. Worked fine after that. Thanks for the help.
  2. Tonka, I'm using version 1.7.2 for Kerbal and KAS version 1.4 (as well as KIS version 1.22). I'll try some of the fixes in your links, but definitely still having issues with these versions.
  3. Hi guys, Just wanted a bit of clarification. So the KAS RTS-1 transfer station breaks if you revert a mission. I thought I could fix this by flying up a new mission with the same parts I had loaded before (including the RTS-1) but when I got there, the new RTS-1 had the same issue - When the 'get connector' dialog comes up, it just beeps and you can't grab a hose. Does this bug occur if you EVER saved a game that you reverted a mission, even for new parts on a new mission? If so that would explain it, either that, or I've got another bug going on and will need to wait for fixes. Thanks, Tslisher
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