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  1. Ah, didn't notice the 3 weeks gap. I was having the same issue of no piece being able to be upgraded as an user above was having. There was some combination of mods I had previously where some pieces had some parts upgradable. I guess I will just remove tweak scale.
  2. The newest beta didn't solve it for me. Here are the KSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sqgcf6ynyc7ipfp/TMP.zip/file I do use Tweak Scale, does that mean the mod is 100% incompatible or just some stuff will not be improvable?
  3. I never noticed the small buttons at that screen. I was especially confused because I did not notice that the screen before that one was for selecting which vessel you want to tinker with. Many thanks
  4. >cfg tab What's that and how to access it? I've been seeing tons of config screens for other mods, but I am still to see the one for Kerbalism. I am on the newest version on steam, in case that might be a version incompatibility issue with kerbalism
  5. No, you don't understand. My satellite spends more energy than the panels can collect, it was my mistake, but now it is in a limbo state of having and not having connection forever because on one frame it have energy, on the next, it does not. Now, no matter where I am in the ksc, I can't warp, and the warning keeps spamming me. It happens even when I am not flying the satellite. I'd blow it up, but it is still doing what it is supposed to do, but with a smaller efficiency due to the energy situation
  6. I was getting drained out of all science before unlocking the solar panels. Since I kickstarted myself them, it's been pretty normal now. Also, is it kerbalism that is stopping my warp every single time I lose or get signal again? This thing is really bothering me and I can't figure out how to stop that form happening
  7. Well. I was, but after restating about 3 times because of changing which mods are enable and which are not, I ended up starting with 90 science to save me from spamming "Test X on launch site". Now I am about to make satellites.
  8. 90% of my science is the contracts and milestones, that's mostly the issue
  9. Is there some sort of checkilst for what Kerbalism considers science-worthy? It seems that the whole ksc (which in stock is worth tons of science if you bother visiting every single biome) seems to be worth almost nothing. And the early game is just too brutal without it. I understand that later on you can just start tossing satellites that auto gather tons science if you put them on orbits that visits many biomes, but that takes quite a while to start, at least 200~ science to get the parts and put them in the orbit XScience was great for this, but it does not work with Kerbalism it seems, it only displays a bugged EVA report that you can't even take
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