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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. Actually, I won't be attempting this challenge in quite a while, and I made another challenge so I don't have to uninstall opm.
  2. The challenge is simple, land on all the stock+opm bodies in one mission. The rule is same as the grand tour challenge. I have seen other extended grand tour challenges before, but they require more planets than this one. @JacobJHC Proved this is definitely possible even with a single launch ship and no mineing. Entries : @JacobJHC Which made a giant single launch ship without mining and visited all the required bodies and some extra ones!
  3. I think @scottadges Messed up. Edit: it's fine now. -25-
  4. @scottadges I already corrected before you posted. -20-
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