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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. Error bill: program suddenly starts isru
  2. I like this idea, but I want to use dlc parts. So, I won't take a part in this. Also, I need mechjeb because I suck at manual docking.
  3. I didn't have a copy of the mod(maybe I downloaded it sometime before I bought ksp so it's somewhere in my computer), I can get ksp 1.3 from steam through.
  4. What's this made of considering it doesn't contain acids?
  5. Ahh, my favorite planet pack which unfortunately died before I bought ksp.
  6. @dnbattley (A necro) are wolfhund engines allowed since it got nerfed to an isp of 380?
  7. Let's see... Mechjeb, kac, trajectorys, custom barn kit, clickthrough blocker, MM, better time warp, toolbar control, astrogator, hyper edit, kopernicus So, yes. TUBM has landed on eve.
  8. "Adds sodium metal " My salt hill.
  9. "Release a ton of ClF3" My fluorinated hill.
  10. Sorry, didn't see that. First, @GRS posted a wrong number, so I posted according to his number, then he edited his number to be correct. Then I edited my number too to be correct.
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