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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. Ok,I will give photo of my ship(is quite big but the lander has a 10m heat shield facing outwards) and orbit later. I want to use laythe to drop me into an lower orbit to reduce relative speed and capture, will it work?(Brought 1800m/s for that, but I want to save some fuel)
  2. Well, I tried once and is successful , but then I have to redo it because I didn't have enough fuel. Now no matter how I changed my encounter, I can't get into jool orbit (my interception is sort of on the "sideways" of tylo),can anyone help? Also what's the most efficient way to enter laythe orbit from an elliptical jool orbit?
  3. I planned a jool transfer node and can't find a encounter with tylo that slowed me into orbit without spending ridiculous amount of dv , does anyone know how to do it?(I'm going to laythe)
  4. Hi, I looked the forums and found out all time warp mods I found are for 1.7.2 or earlier, is there any such mods which works in 1.7.3?
  5. The infamous "FOOF" molecule (for google picture war, it's effective against basically anything)
  6. Space because I like space. Nerd because I'm a nerd .
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