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  1. So I was playing Duke Nukem 3D and on the second episode Lunar Apocalypse you are in space around Earth and you can see some objects in space, one of these is this space station that looks like a Salyut station, the only difference are the solar panels, also possible to create it with Tantares in KSP and in HD I don't know if there is an appropriate topic already for such posts.
  2. Hello, I need help again, recently I moved from 1.10.1 to 1.11.2, I have a problem with the visor texture previously on 1.10 looked like this when I switched to 1.11.2 it looked like this So I deleted the EVAvisor.dds and kerbalVisor.dds and fixed it now my problem is how to make it look like in the first picture? If not... oh well it's fine.
  3. How to arm the Topaz Science Container's parachute, I don't have such an option.
  4. How can I replicate the upperline and underline text on the Almaz? I am guessing this has been created with conformal decals.
  5. Exactly what I was searching for today, thank you very much. If only there was a Connected Living Space config.
  6. Oh thank you very much, I was downloading it again and again with the dl=0 to no avail but now it downloaded just perfect.
  7. Thank you, the zip file is damaged I can't open it could you make a new one, now I tried the GUI but don't know if I did it correctly could you give me an example command and where is it supposed to extract it?
  8. Where can I find the vintage suit textures: TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Blue.V, TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Gold.V and TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Orange.V? I want to make some edits for personal use but I can't find them.
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