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Everything posted by strider3

  1. The images are the same as in the VAB so, no help there. The craft in question would not have had any obvious visual differences from many of my others. The obvious answer is to rename a craft for it's specific purpose . I managed to find it after some digging and renamed it accordingly. I wonder if there is a way to use the persistent.sfs to find such information? It's such an...unwieldy...document but it does contain...everything.
  2. Is there a way to list all of the crafts that I have flown, in historical order? I ask because I recently completed a repair mission on a broken probe around Minmus. I did not name the craft anything special, however, so I am trying to find it for another repair mission. Is there some way to find the craft used?
  3. well...that post was for 1.12? I am playing the usual game of "What KSP version allows my MODS to also work in their current versions" game.
  4. Will it work with KSP 1.11? Anybody using it in 1.11?
  5. So...any problems running the latest SCANsat in 1.11? It's one of only 3 or 4 MODS that aren't stated as 1.11 compatible.
  6. How can I check which of my installed mods are available for a version of KSP higher than my current one? I want to upgrade from my KSP 1.8...but I want to make sure that all my mods have an updated version that is compatible with a higher version of KSP. Is this something that can be done with CKAN?
  7. Is there a way to change the order of the objects in the list? When I have many objects with upcoming burn nodes, it would be nice to be able to sort by "next node". Just a thought.
  8. If you are departing from a Kerbin orbit, and you are going to orbit both the Mun and Minmus and return to Kerbin...does it make any difference in DV efficiency which you visit first?
  9. How do we measure the mass of something large, like a spacecraft?
  10. The largest SRB I currently have is the SpaceY "Freya"... Thrust (ASL): 12,231 Thrust (VAC): 13,800 I need something bigger. Anything out there bigger for KSP 1.8.x ?
  11. I am curious if the USI team has given any thought to making 5 and 7.5 meter weldable construction ports (or even 10 meter BFR)? These would be handy with the SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded parts.
  12. Let me look again...I could not find this thread you speak of, this morning.
  13. I am curious if the USI team has given any thought to making 5 and 7.5 meter weldable construction ports (or even 10 meter BFR)? These would be handy with the SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded parts.
  14. I'm entering the Laythe atmosphere from a very low, circular orbit. My speed as I hit the atmosphere is 1,700 M/S, or less, for all craft. I've given up on keeping "capsules" or other "vertical" craft from tumbling in the atmosphere...they never overheat so, who cares? Parachutes, when deployed, will get the vertical types back into a proper surface alignment for landing. The problem with verticals is having them float in Laythe's water biomes and getting the science back into orbit. Space planes continue to be a problem...I don't know how you can add more control surfaces than I already have, but they all refuse to "nose up" and just crash into the surface at high speed. Laythe is shelved, along with Eve, for possible future exploration.
  15. I will get back to you with some pictures, hopefully today.
  16. So far, I have had no luck at all getting any type of vessel to maintain some form of control when trying to make it through Laythe's atmosphere . I have tried space planes from other people who state they work on Laythe and capsules that re-enter Kerbin's atmosphere without issue...but refuse to do so on Laythe. Invariably, at some point when temperatures and speeds are starting to taper off very nicely, any craft I have will lose attitude control and tumble through the rest of the decent (space plane) or lose "hold" on SAS / Surface / retrograde and come in sideways until parachutes open (capsules). It does not matter how many control surfaces or reaction wheels I add, they all lose their SAS "hold", in all modes, with lots of electrical power available. I'm not at all experienced with space planes...and only trying them at this point to see if I can land on Laythe's water biomes and collect science. One thing I do not understand at all...why does a simple capsule that re-enters and lands or splashes down on Kerbin, without ever losing it's attitude control, lose control in the thinner atmosphere and lower gravity of Laythe? Even Duna never caused these issues, with several different types of landing craft.
  17. OMG...what have I created?? . There is so much information here on the subject. Being a first time spaceplane builder...this is gonna take some rethinking, on my part. Thanks for all the advice!!
  18. Continuing the discussion on trying to land and gather science on Laythe... My next question is about "planes" and atmospheric re-entry. The experimental "work in progress" in the screenshot below was cheated into orbit around Laythe and put into re-entry...it got very hot and I had several temperature bars show up...and got high enough that destruction became a worry. Note that this craft is a "learning experience"...I expect the final craft that gets launched to Laythe to be quite different in it's final form. I don't see any way to add heat shielding to spaceplanes and I don't see any parts that include it? I'd appreciate any comments on how to handle the heat. And while I have you...do you use SAS for planes...or turn it off and fly manually?
  19. "Chutes 2" showed the most interesting point, I think. In the first video, you could argue that the chutes are "blocking" the air to other chutes and, therefore, reducing the effective drag. The "Chutes 2" video completely disproves that. Until further notice all chutes at 10 spread angle...LOL!
  20. Years of KSP...and not knowing Action groups...sheesh!! Thanks antipro! I see a lot of new abilities now!
  21. Just to make sure I'm thinking correctly...in the situation above I would have 3 keys, one each to "toggle" each engine group (Twitches - 1, Wheesley - 2 and Terriers - 3). To swap from Twitches to Wheesley I would hit key "1" then "2".
  22. And the key to use would be the "4" key? How do I select all my Twitches? In my screenshot you can see they are in batches of two's?
  23. @Fraktal Thanks, but...I'm going to need way more detail on the "how to" on action groups. More of a step-by-step thing..."Click this, enter that, select this".
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