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Everything posted by strider3

  1. OK, I'll try...action groups have been...hard for me to understand, exactly. See above...LOL! Yeah, I have no idea how to use action groups. Anybody know of a detailed tutorial on that?
  2. I have been struggling to build a craft that can land on Laythe (see below). "Verticals" require too much fuel/oxidizer weight so I'm trying to take advantage of an air breathing engine to get me closer to orbit. Below is a picture of a modified stock VTOL I'm playing with (it's nowhere near done yet, so be kind ). My thought is to use the Twitches to get a vertical rise off the surface, then the Wheesley to fly forward (there will be wings and rudders, eventually) and the Terriers to get into orbit and dock. My first question is how do you swap between the Twitches to the Wheesley...then to the Terriers? I have no idea how that can be accomplished. How do you shut down 12 Twitches (12 might be overkill, at this point)? I currently have to click each one and shut it down individually so that my throttle only controls the Wheesley...by that time I'll be crashed, me thinks? The problem I always run into, in any multiple engine construction, is how to enable, disable or "throttle limit" all of an engine group at once (that is an issue I have with any craft...not just this one). I'm sure I'll run into other problems going forward...but for now...how does one go about switching engines, and their throttle controls, in flight?
  3. What I know about creating action groups is...nothing. What I would like to do may not even be possible? I have a Laythe science lander with 4 USI large inflatable floats attached, for water landings. Is it possible to create a custom action group to inflate/deflate all 4 of these floats with a single click?
  4. Does a parachute's "spread angle" have any effect on it's efficiency (drag)...or is that setting just "eye candy"?
  5. @antipro @Fierce Wolf I realize they can be difficult but, while waiting for various launch or transfer windows, I have found a few that actually have a very nice yield in funds? I stick to the Kerbin SOI...since I'm waiting for windows to or from my interplanetary expeditions I see no reason to "wander far from home"...I want to get 'er done in a short period of time. I just found one that wants me to mine 2,100 of ore on Mun and return it to Kerbin orbit...easy and cheap! I've found a nice ore deposit and I'm "drilling, baby, drilling!" as we speak. I just keep deleting contracts until I get one or two that are close to home, with good returns. My expenditure for this contract was 275,072...I'm no economist but...... I realize this isn't the exact type of Contract we were speaking of...but I have found some of those that are worthwhile. I stay "grounded"...trying to reach a point in flight...ughhh...I agree with you on that.
  6. First, let me know if this is the correct forum to ask a question about Waypoint Manager...or should it go to "Add-on Discussions"? I have my Location Display Style setting set to Degrees/Minutes/Seconds. I am assuming that if I land at those coordinates...and then go straight up, for a site that is at altitude, I will get there? In other words, the coordinates indicate a landed, ground location directly below the actual site location? Thanks!
  7. Last I read was August of this year...it said not to worry about the 2 messages when loading KSP (1.8.1 here): "zeroMiniAVC started" and "zeroMiniAVC destroyed". Anytime anything in KSP uses the word "destroyed" I get nervous. I don't pretend to understand what the issue is that is mentioned in the post...other than a "Unity upgrade" caused it. So, what is the straight scoop, the skinny, the sitch with this?
  8. I'm going to give Waypoint Manager a try. Seems like a pretty useful Mod.
  9. I am trying to complete a "contract" but I need some help. I have never done a contract with a "site" requirement before and I'm unsure how I am supposed to navigate to the required site location. Here's the current Mun contract: I can see the site markers in map view, but they don't show up when I'm in ship view (for lack of a better term). Map view is not very accurate. I noticed that if I right-click on a site marker, in map view, a message comes up...something about enabling or begin navigation. What does that do and how is it used? Is there a way to find the coordinates for a "site" (maybe I could use MechJeb, if so). Basically, I have no conception of how to accurately get to the contract sites so...any help would be appreciated.
  10. I am running KSP 1.8.1 and MechJeb2. In the past, you had to add another mod which would automatically add the required MJ parts to all command modules in the game. Now it seems there is a way to do this in MechJeb2, without needing another mod (like "MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492). Is that true, and if so, how is that done? I don't want to be able to ignore the tech tree in Career mode...just have MechJeb2 work without the hassle of adding one of the 2 MechJeb2 parts to every module. Thanks!
  11. So...that was relatively painless compared to previous KSP upgrades. I had a hiccup when my crappy internet decided to lock-up in the middle of downloading my selected mods. Wasn't sure if CKAN would notice and say something...it never seemed to...so I hit "cancel" and then "retry". Things looked a little wonky on the status screen, after that, but everything appears to have finally downloaded and installed. Only 5 mods did not show up on the "compatible" (1.8.1) list: Squidsoft Collective (Fuel Cell Tweaks), MechJeb2 Embedded, GroundConstruction, 000_AT_Utils (perhaps comes with GroundConstruction?) and EveEngines (the Eve enhanced engine mod). Unfortunately, when starting KSP now, I get a "missing parts" message for several ships (S-I-G-H) for 3 parts...I'm pretty sure they are all USI parts based on using CKAN to download (but not installing, see below) various USI mods and looking at the parts. Going forward, if I decide to add another compatible mod from the CKAN list, do I have to uncheck all the currently installed mods and only check the new mod I want to install...or will CKAN ignore already installed mods and only download and install the new one? I'm leery to try until I hear from the experts. CKAN worked as advertised...but everything else is jacked. Apparently KAS can't be happy unless it jerks every craft I have in flight, every time I upgrade it? ScanSat is apparently no better...I'm suddenly missing scanners on existing craft? What...did the Kraken take them? Why do I bother saving my career when upgrading KSP? It's ridiculous. I will start all over in 1.8.1...but will never upgrade again until I finish a career path...I'm done with ships in orbit or mining on a planet becoming unusable because of suddenly "missing parts" or ships in the VAB that now won't work because of "missing parts". I spent over a 18 months, real time year getting to where I "was" in this latest career...only to see it destroyed. When modders learn to upgrade my saved ships to their new parts, in my saved games, then we will talk. Until then, somebody explain to me the point of saving a Career when upgrading??? On the plus side, CKAN worked as advertised. Rant over.
  12. OK then...I feel better about CKAN finding stuff after I get 1.8.1 installed. Thanks!
  13. Sorry...I don't see them in CurseForge. I am still downloading KSP 1.8.1, at this moment (then comes the DLC's). I'm just curious if CKAN will do better that CurseForge at finding compatible mods...I am finding almost everything myself...just not on CurseForge.
  14. Where does CKAN get it's list of compatible mods for my version of KSP? I ask because I am going through the Mods at https://kerbal.curseforge.com/ , filtered for KSP 1.8.1, and I don't see several listed (SpaceY stuff, PreciseManeuver, KAS, MechJeb2 and MechJeb2 Embedded, to name the most glaring ones).
  15. Excellent...that should make the entire transition to 1.8.1 a bit less...painful...but then, there's mods to look for .
  16. ...and how did it show up in my 1.7.3 GameData folder...does it come with one of my other mods? I ask because I'm going through my GameData mods list, before upgrading to KSP 1.8.1, to make sure my required mods are available in 1.8.1 and I have no idea what "Firespitter" is, or does.
  17. Can my KSP 1.7.3 "settings.cfg" be saved and then used in a new install of KSP 1.8.1...without breaking anything?
  18. That is correct, first attempt with CKAN. OK, that makes sense. If I understand...I can run CKAN on a new, unmodded version of KSP and use it to download and install the mods I want?
  19. Does KSP have to be running for the CKAN window to show all installed Mods? I just ran CKAN without KSP running and it shows about 1/3 of my installed mods in the list. I know that all my installed mods are working when in game. This does not lend me confidence. You have to understand that I have been PC gaming for over 25 years, including the infamous MSFS years...I get a bit..."antsy"...when something doesn't agree with my "expectations". I will continue with KSP 1.7.3 until I have more reassurance.
  20. I put it on my KSP HDD, but not in my KSP folder on that HDD. It's all temporary, at this point...I just want it to export my modpack to a "safe place" before I start all over with the new KSP version on the clean HDD. Thanks!
  21. "Just place the executable in any folder you like: the client can manage all your KSP installations from anywhere on your disk, so you don't have to worry about its location." I'm going to guess it needs to be on the same disk as your KSP installation? Mine is on a dedicated KSP HDD is why I mention this. Correct me if my assumption is incorrect, please...but be gentle about it .
  22. I've decided to try to upgrade KSP, after installing CKAN to export my modpack first. I really need to run the newer version of Astrogator to avoid having ships in orbit for a year or more before the upcoming transfer window. Wish me luck! I did, however, come up with another question ( ). Is there a way to find the next transfer window if you do not have a ship in orbit? Hypothetical example: I have no ships in orbit around Kerbin but I plan on building some for a trip to Dres. How can I find the next Astrogator transfer window so I know when to start building and launching ships into Kerbin orbit, to make the next window? I might be really over-thinking this but I dislike (me being diplomatic) doing months of work only to get to that..."ooops" moment...because I didn't ask a question.\ Ignore that last bit...as usual it became obvious after posting. I can open Astrogator at any time and see the next window. That part is not dependent on having a ship in orbit...only the create node part is. I'm getting KSP gun shy, me thinks.
  23. @hemeac I should have been clearer. What I was meaning to ask...should I delete the "SpaceY-lifters" mod, when adding "SpaceY-extended"...or do both the "SpaceY-lifters" and "SpaceY-extended mods" "live" separately in the GameData folder?
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