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Everything posted by Dr.Pyanco

  1. As I mentioned, I tried to replicate the Cassini-Huygens to Laythe, the ship's orbit had a low point that corresponded to 21 million meters (it was an encounter with laythe) and the high point of the orbit approximately 90 million meters, but the probe failed to execute the atmospheric braking at laythe and instead of the planned gravitational assistance threw it at jool accelerating quite a bit. Subsequently, due to the direction in which it was ejected by jool, the sun did not brake the ship so abruptly.
  2. En realidad, el barco aparece en la captura, solo cuando el foco en el sol es apenas visible. Tengo varios mods instalados, y la versión 1.4.2 el satélite está en una ruta de escape muy recta; Entonces, la velocidad orbital es de solo 9,000 m / s, realmente creo que probablemente fue un error, pero no hubo un gran salto o teletransportación por parte de la nave. Solo (literalmente) solo Jool de tal manera que se aceleró muy rápidamente (además la órbita del barco sería elíptica ya que el periapsis sería una reunión con laythe), no calcule a qué altura el frenado atmosférico sería ideal y solo rebotó en la atmósfera y Jool hizo el tuyo. No tengo mods que agreguen más estrellas o planetas, y no estoy exactamente buscando ayuda con esto; Solo quería saber si la asistencia gravitacional de jool es tan "poderosa". Here I leave an image in the map mode, there you see the approximately 8500 m / s in the orbital mode, at no time the ship experienced a common error. Only accidentally almost jool and accelerates quite a bit.
  3. The thing is this: I originally created a ship to "imitate" the Cassini-Huygens, the section that would land on Laythe I separated it successfully, I was about to enter Laythe but it just touched the atmosphere and went off to Jool. Nor did he fall into the latter but accelerated a lot. The discussion is, is this normal? I have not been able to calculate to what percentage of the speed of light this speed corresponds; Here an image.
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