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Everything posted by jimmymcgoochie

  1. Try reinstalling/updating your graphics drivers? I remember having a similar issue where the screen froze but the game kept running a couple of years ago, and a graphics driver update fixed it I think.
  2. Yep, that sounds normal. In my experience 8 gigs is just about enough to run stock KSP and for heavily modded installs it regularly uses nearly all of my 32GB of RAM. KSP loads everything into memory before starting, so mods with lots of and/or detailed part models tend to add significantly to memory use. The best way to reduce the strain is to reduce the mod count, or add moar RAM if you can.
  3. Have you tried sending a new crew to pick them up and redeploy them? That might fix it? (The old TIO-TIBO solution )
  4. I believe KSP won’t really act any differently unless you use FAR, which adds more realistic aerodynamic modelling. Stock KSP only cares about the angle of incidence, it doesn’t have any of the complexities that a variable sweep wing is designed to deal with e.g. transonic drag and shockwaves.
  5. Cheat. Copy a part config for a tiny radiator and set it to radiate away all the heat you want, then hide one or two of them inside your vessel. Problem solved!
  6. Yep, that sounds about right. FFT contains fusion and antimatter engines which produce a tremendous amount of waste heat, which has to go somewhere. There’s a reason realistic sci-fi ships have massive radiators on them!
  7. A hyperbolic trajectory is one that leaves the gravity of the p body being orbited. By definition, if you!re leaving Kerbin’s SOI it’s a hyperbolic orbit. I assume this is the stock maneuver tool? I’d suggest using MechJeb instead, it’s a lot better and has many more options.
  8. Please read the RP-1 tutorials, they contain step by step guides on how to start your first RP-1 career and how all the many different systems work. It’s a steep learning curve, but well worth it- I was dead against trying it at first but now I’ve barely touched stock KSP in four years!
  9. Copy the save file, then modify the copy to turn the decoupler into a separator and decouple it? There’s also the KML save editor that can modify the root part, but it’s a faff. In both cases use a copy of the save so the original is still recoverable.
  10. Rendezvous a vessel with a scientist in it to your stranded lander, EVA the scientist, take the data out of the lander with the scientist, return to the vessel they arrived on, store data in the capsule, board, go home. Send a vessel with a Klaw and grab the stranded lander, then bring it back. Send a vessel with an engineer and a spare docking port, go EVA and use EVA construction to weld the docking port to the lander, dock, take lander home. Refly the mission, but put a docking port on the lander this time, delete the stranded one. Take your pick.
  11. I’ve seen others reporting issues with solar panels and Infinite Discoveries. Try uninstalling that and see if that helps?
  12. Terrain rendering is a big one for eating frames. When I played KSP without a GPU a few years ago (because the GPU broke) the performance hit was worst when looking at terrain, so turn the graphics and detail settings for terrain as low as they can go and try to avoid looking at the ground unless necessary. Enable advanced tweakables in the main menu settings and then use autostruts between parts rather than the strut part- I tend to autostrut engines to root and boosters to grandparent for maximum rigidity. Fuel crossfeed can also hurt the physics calculations so try to avoid using lots of fuel tanks feeding lots of engines.
  13. 30 parts and 18 tons is plenty to get a small, light probe out to Minmus with relatively low tech parts and then perform several landings in different biomes to max out the science returns. A couple of Oscars and an Ant engine will be more than ample for a small probe, which means the rocket can be smaller and lighter too- my brief test had 3400m/s or so on the probe in LKO from a 16 ton rocket with fuel to spare on the second stage too- oodles for Minmus even with an inefficient launch and transfer.
  14. Unless it’s changed recently, the BTDT only needs to get within a few kilometres of the target to count it as scanned. It should be possible to do that with a plane if you fly past it close enough.
  15. Hold alt when placing parts to force them to snap to nodes, maybe that’ll help? If not send a screenshot of the issue.
  16. How it started: These puny smooth-faces have no weapons! We shall crush them with ease! How it's going: oh no oh no oh nononononononono they're gonna make nukes they're gonna make SO MANY NUKES!!!1!ONE!
  17. Use Whiplash engines, avoid Mk2 parts as they produce lots of drag, accept that the things that make a good high-speed aircraft (small wings, low profile, low drag) also make a terrible low-speed aircraft (low lift, limited control, high takeoff/landing/stall speeds) so be prepared for some challenging handling characteristics. Or just throw MOAR ENGINES!!!!1! at the problem, that usually fixes it.
  18. @SheepDog2142FYI, BDB is not recommended for RO. Many of the part models have been imported into the various RO-xxx mods so try without BDB.
  19. Looks like some kind of EVE city lights config has gone a bit too powerful. Try reinstalling your visual mods?
  20. I'd suggest Stage Recovery for the simplicity of it- slap some parachutes on and it just recovers any dropped stages when they go below the Death ZoneTM (about 25km I think?), easily configurable to get more or less funds back. FMRS tends to be more useful for flyback boosters as it allows you to fly the different parts of the rocket at the same time.
  21. Is Tundra Exploration actually configured for RO and RP-1? If not, the parts won’t be shown because RO and RP-1 will hide all non-configured parts- this also includes Breaking Ground robotics, and I would recommend removing both DLCs if you’re going to use RO and RP-1 as they can cause issues down the line. I would strongly recommend you uninstall all mods and then use the RP-1 express install on CKAN to get all the mods you need and none you don’t.
  22. That’s a Unity crash. The log files may have clues as to why that’s happening, this thread tells you to find them:
  23. The problem with scaling up is that for many first time players, Kerbin is too big as it is. Very few players make it to orbit, even fewer to the Mun and fewer still land there. Larger planets just mean more delta-V is needed and things take longer to happen. I have no issues with mods that add larger scale systems and I really like JNSQ's 2.7x scale, and I'm heavily into RSS/RO/RP-1 which is about 4x larger still, but that's a choice I made, not something forced by the game. Kerbin's orbital velocity being somewhere around Mach 6-7 makes spaceplanes and SSTOs viable, whereas for Earth orbital velocity is around Mach 23.
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