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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. 7.8/9.7 not really a fan of pokemon, but that's a nice card!
  2. get a breakfast sandwich, I hear it's their finest dish! how do I get out of this body, it feels too limited?
  3. florida man fist fights florida panther, attempts to sell it to mcdonalds in kansas after knocking it unconscious. "those people needed the meat!" he said.
  4. he fired, destroying the lander and all of its contents
  5. yes, very human. 80/8 I am a human, I have nothing else to say.
  6. so he, being JOHN WICK, manoeuvred the moons and arrived back at the mothership WITHOUT SAS OR REACTION WHEELS!
  7. the kerbal then revealed himself to be *drumroll plesea* john-wick kerman.
  8. you are banned for posting while I was typing this. and no I do not care if this is the wrong thread. 0/10 that stop sign and the text below it (assuming you are viewing it through a computer screen) is bigger than the buttons and letters you had to press and view in order to post that. ARREST HIM! I am a member of species: {[Homo Sapiens]} as much as my pet chihuahua: {[pinta]} is a member of species: {[Canis lupus familiaris]}. And my eyesight assisters are covered in irritating imperfections caused by irresponsible dropping of them. (btw not mine)
  9. why would you do this to me? @VoidSquid COME!!!!!>!>@>@?#@/2!1!1~~~~~~!1!!!!~1`!!!!!@111!@!!!11!!!1/1/!' I know you can hear me!
  10. HA HAHAHA, YUK DELATUS! Mia senk drumbatus. Niak 0+
  11. upon arrival, the sensors discover an anomaly on one of the moons.
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