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Space boy

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Everything posted by Space boy

  1. I think I finally get it. Though, is there a way to close a thread after you have gotten the answer?
  2. Ok, so basically, to sum it all up, I have to add a relay antenna on my mothership and a smaller antenna on my lander and I will be able to make maneuver nodes freely. Correct???
  3. Is there a way in which a pilot can remotely give SAS control to another ship? I know it sounds way to ridiculous but, just in case.
  4. I actually dont know which way I want to do it, which way do you recommend?? I want a way which is the easiest to rendezvous and dock. Whats the job of the remote guidance units??
  5. Wait, so I watched the video, why do you need two kerbals to remotely control one rover? Do the tricks in this video also work for controlling manned ships? He says that we need a relay antenna on the main mothership, why a relay antenna and not a normal antenna to control another probe??
  6. So to make maneuver nodes without a pilot, do I need to have a probe core and connection to kerbin or just either one of them? If I have a strong enough antenna on my lander, like the communotron DTS-M1 I dont need the relay dish, Right?
  7. I am looking to create a lander for duna which has bob and bill in it and jeb will be orbiting duna. Now I know that maneuver nodes can only be created when there is a communication with kerbin, but how do I create maneuver nodes with jeb remotely controlling the lander. What do I have to do in order to be able to make maneuver nodes without a pilot? The concept of antennas and relay dishes confuses me.
  8. https://imgur.com/DODQVTz So I made this rocket to intercept an asteroid, and it flies perfectly! Can you please tell me what I did right here? And also, it flies completely on engine gimbals.
  9. even if I add fins, the craft flips. And in real life there are alot of rockets that which fly without fins like the falcon 9 and are completely controlled by engine gimbals so I am more than happy to add fins on my rocket if thats what works in ksp but I would like to know how it is possible IRL. I am sorry if I didnt attach the fins the first time you said because I was getting real confused with what was happening.
  10. https://imgur.com/m1AgLBo I changed the fairings like this but the rocket still flips. I have attempted to keep the radius of the fairing as low as possible and if I attempt to reduce the radius any further the game wont let me place the fairings. Edit: I tried it once more and it launched relatively properly, but it did what I wanted it to do.
  11. https://imgur.com/ZZPYdV1 Ok this is another rocket that I am building for a satellite contract with a survey scanner and materials bay and I have covered it up with a fairing.. but guess what??? This rocket flips too! This time it flips at around 3000m and I tried reducing the TWR and added fins but nothing works it still keeps on flipping no matter what. And i have also noticed that whenever I place fairings in a rocket, it flips but when I launch rocket which are already aerodynamic like with the command modules, they never flip.
  12. https://imgur.com/1guzzzJ https://imgur.com/gn7RC0Y i think my payload is a problem... Can you check it please??? sorry for not replying for a time.. The rocket flips at around 6000m
  13. https://imgur.com/tSXvtNL what is wrong now???!!! I am using skippers and twr is 1.56 and the fairing is much much smaller than before but it still flips and it also is rotating.
  14. Now I changed the first stage to however you guys told me to do so.. But now, I don't have enough Delta v to get out of the atmosphere! And I can't seem to figure out a way to solve this problem.
  15. I reduced the size of the fairings to only what needed to be covered, I also replaced srbs with reliants. So now I have core mainsail stage and side relliant boosters, but it's still flipping out! Why is that happening?
  16. How much should I reduce the size of the fairings?? I will try replacing srbs with liquid fuel.
  17. I have created this apollo style rocket with a rover to minmus and when I go just outside the prograde marker, it flips! and i dont completely go outside the marker, its like just turning enough to get a gravity turn but my rocket flips instead! i am using the new srbs................. Is it the new update thats doing anything??? My rocket has the center of aerodynamics below the coM. https://imgur.com/a/GvIF1RS ---- Link to photo on imgur
  18. No, it isn't an actual problem. I can still drive my rover around normally.
  19. When I press the brake button, the rover starts braking but as it reaches about 3.5 m/s, it jerks and suddenly stops to completely 0 m/s. It does that very suddenly and fyi- I have installed moar boosters update.
  20. There is this one Youtuber, bradely whistance and he went interplanetary on the second flight. https://youtu.be/HXrHsjJcTa0
  21. Hahaha, I always feel like the contracts are cursed they are like made to be unsolvable!
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