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  1. 52 days. It should be enough, but I want to have a rescue ship in place ahead of time. This entire situation is an effect of of my "good enough, I'll look into details latter" slapdash planning.
  2. The problem may be, it is not, in fact, an asteroid. It is the future orbit of a interplanetary craft, the orbit after several planned course corrections. It seems KSP is not showing AN, DN or intersect nodes for interception of the planned orbits. But I found a workaround, I think. If I plan encounter from the point of view of approaching "asteroid" ship, targeting the rescue vessel, it shows relevant nodes. I am going to keep changing the orbit of the rescuer, and then switching to approaching craft, to check how to nodes are changing. Unless there is more direct method?
  3. Thank you for your answer. But how do I match the inclination of orbits? It is not showing me any AN or DN nodes.
  4. Hi, I am still trying to figure it out. When my Eve expedition is going to zip through Kerbin SOI it is going to look like that: It is almost as if I have been trying to intercept an asteroid that threatens Kerbin. And I have well over a year for preparations. But I cannot figure out how to match orbit with something like that. It is hyperbolic orbit, right? How one is catching up with is, preferably before it passes Kerbin periapsis?
  5. I see what you mean, but craft's velocity while passing Eve will be even bigger, 59000m/s, while having about 600 m/s dv to work with. If I cannot aerobrake at Kerbin, Eve is even more out of the question. It is my fault, when staring this mission I just wanted Eve encounter, I thought that I will somehow figure up the means of safe return afterwards. Do you think that having the biggest heatshield would make a difference? Would I, with it, be able to shed 2000m/s dv, in single pass?
  6. I am not going to stop at Eve, the craft will just zip through there. I have contract to do a flyby. The mission is going to show up back around Kerbil in about one and half a year, though. I am thinking of some unmanned probe meeting it on solar orbit, to refuel and maybe provide a heatshield, to be docked with crew cabin. But it is going to be tricky to set up.
  7. I don't even want this craft to land. Not all of it. It is not build that way. All I hope for is very elliptic Kerbin orbit, as re-fuelinging would be orders of magnitude easier then doing it on solar orbit. Unfortunately, craft does not have a heat shield. Do you think I'll be able to dip into atmo deep enough to shed about 2000m/s dv, in one pass, without exploding? Or should I re-design the entire flight plan?
  8. Thanks. I am trying to set up the return to Kerbin after fly-by Eve. I am fairly new to the interplanetary travel. Will I be able to aerobrake at about 5500m/s? This is my speed at the Kerbin periapsis. I would need almost 2200m/s of deltaV to stay on Kerbin orbit. I expect to have about 300m/s. Is it even possible to bleed that many deltaV without exploding? Or should I give up and look after another solution, like refueling at the solar orbit?
  9. Is there a way to see what is going to be the craft's velocity, when said craft will be approaching a planet, after setting up series of nodes? Without wrapping all the way there, and performing all the planed maneuvers, that is.
  10. I don't have sandbox save, as yet. I have thought that I finish Career mode at least once, before going into Sandbox.
  11. Thank you all. This one behaves much better. It still can disassemble when trying too high a jump, but it is not supposed to be a hotrod. It is interesting stuff. While I don't want to redesign my Minmus ore hauler, it is worth to keep it in mind for future constructions. Like the craft that will haul the ore form the Minmus surface to the orbit processing centre . Speaking of which. I have an extension to a Minmus orbital station on the way already. And I have used there rigidly connected large ore tanks. Do you think I am going to run into troubles once the tanks are full? The part on the left of the HubMax is already on the Minmus orbit. The part on the right in on its way there.
  12. If only KSP allowed more then just one joining point between two parts... This is the single most annoying limitation of this game.
  13. No, I don't. Have I created rover similar to one available in this mod?
  14. You may be right, thanks. I just tested it with empty tanks, it was able to perform quite a jumps without breaking apart. After some tweaking attachments of the wheels, that is. Well, this thing is supposed to be used on Minmus. Lower gravity there... But, on the other hand, I don't want to be thwarted after hauling it all the way there.
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