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Everything posted by Robdjee

  1. Dear Kerbonauts, I have two questions regarding KSP 2. 1: Will KSP 2 be accompanied by an entirely new forum or will this forum be expanded? 2: Will KSP 2 be backwards compatible and accept KSP 1 craft files (i know...wishful thinking)? Kind regards,
  2. Dear Kerbonauts, I am just curious. How do you call the in game currency? I simply refer to it as Funds. Kind regards,
  3. Dear Kerbonauts, Squad Staff, As of now i've been a huge fan for 6 years and i nearly have 1500 hours on record. I love how far KSP has grown over the years but now, with KSP 2 coming, i'd like to have my voice heard. In my opinion the are some changes that could be made to make KSP feel better. I have read the rules and looked into the most asked questions but i have not been active at the forum for long. So, forgive me if some things have been discussed at length before. Most of these are quality of life improvements, in my opinion. Allow me to share my suggestions: 1 Folders for contracts: I like to kill multiple birds with one stone. My missions therefore handle multiple contracts at once. Not being able to change the order in which contracts are displayed can be very confusing and inefficient. Grouping them in folders with custom names would definitely make specific missions easier to plan and execute. 2 Instant timewarp change: I have missed plenty of burns and unintentionally lithobraked into several celestial bodies because the timewarp factor does not change instantly. It gradually changes when use the key inputs. I don't know wether this is physically impossible but i would love more control using timewarp. 3 Momentary option in action groups: Action groups are great. An option to make an action key momentary (i.e. Hold vs Toggle) would be greater. The new axis controls partly implement this. But having this option, in addition to incremental and absolute mode, would help increase control options. 4 option to adjust min-0-max values: Currently you can adjust min and max values on control surfaces. I would like this to be available on all axis controls. Also, if you could set the neutral value, this would save a lot of time rotating control surfaces and what not. In some complicated builds that is impossible to do with any precision as of now. 5 panning map camera: Perhaps this is huge feature to implement but i struggle getting good feedback in the map screen. Especially when i am editing maneuver nodes in a distant system. Being ably to simply pan the map screen, as opposed to rotating it around fidgety focused objects, would make life a lot easier i think. I think a keyboard key would be the way to go so you can use the mouse more precisely (and not click on the wrong things and get all kinds of yellow information you don't want). 6 Panning editor camera: This is in the same vain as the point above. You can currently pan the camera in the editor view. But the range and direction is limited and reacts differently in both editors. I think a keyboard input would be the way to go as well. This might make using the mouse more precise. 7 Give Minmus some friction: This would apply to all celestial bodies more or less. I suppose it also has to to with the amount of gravity. I think this would also be more than a simple tweak. The reason i bring this up anyway: i once spent 20 minutes watching Jeb slide down a gentle slope on Minmus. His top speed was about 1m/s if i recall correctly. Just enough to not be able to do anything. All i could do was watch his limp body gently slide miles away. 8: Not make Kerbals ragdoll (too easily and long) when they stumble: See the point above. I would like some way to react to stumbles. Perhaps using the EVA jet-pack. 9 VAB & SPH Button in Esc menu: Sure you can revert to editor in sandbox games. That's great. But i would like similar options in career mode as well. This would also eliminate an unnecessary loading screen. 10 Option to remove launchclamps (and other parts) from staging: This is already possible for decouplers and fairings. Why not include launchclamps to this list? This would help prototyping moving machines and things like helicopters. In fact, why stop at launchclamps? Could this be a standard feature for any part? 11 Use EVA jet-pack while on ladders: To me this is a minor point and more of a feature then quality of life improvement but i would love this option. I recently saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6COUW00CL0&t=768s . It blew me away. But it pained me to see him nudge everything together with an EVA jet pack. Also think of the contingency options if all you have left is a Kerbal and his EVA jet-pack fuel. 12 Fix scroll bug in vessel description: It is simply annoying that you cannot scroll your vessel description page in the editor without it glitching out. (Perhaps it is just me who has this problem?) Thank you for hearing me out. Kinds regards,
  4. Very yes! on most things. Especially points 5 & 6! I think that would be a great we to drastically improve immersion. Especially in the beginning of the flight.
  5. Syrvannia SSTO Dear Kerbonauts, This post is meant as a standalone showcase of this craft. This will be updated as this gains experience and revisions. For the K-Prize post; see bottom of this entry. I would like to submit the following for your consideration. Today i present: Syrvania SSTO Main view: The Syrvanna SSTO is named after a faction in my favourite Ravenfield Mod. It can haul 5T of payload into LKO. This vehicle is also capable of mining and processing resources. Self sufficient SSTO. Includes Space Cab. Specifications (without Spacecab): Crew capacity: 4+2 Cargo capacity: 5T Weight fueled: 87.455T Dry weight: 43.765T Part count: 118 Cost: 223.307 Length: 26.3m Width: 23.7 Height: 9.3 Launch: Hold a pitch of 20dgrs until 20km. Switch engine mode and reduce thrust 30% until 70km<Ap<100km and circulize @ Ap. Re-entry: Set Pe=50km (or below 20km), Toggle brakes and maintain pitch of 20 dgrs. Fueling: Fill Mk3 LF tank to 1500. Fill all other tanks. 1:Toggle engines 2:Ladders, ramp and cargo bay 3:Toggle scanners and antenna 4:Deploy drill 5:Mine 0:Decouple Youtube footage: Side view: Front view: Interior: Docked at LKOSS: A stripped-down cargo version, named Syrvania SSTO-C, is also available at the Steam Workshop and KerbalX. That version lacks the self sufficiency but can haul a payload of 10T to LKO. KerbalX entry: https://kerbalx.com/Robdjee/Syrvania-SSTO Cargo Version: https://kerbalx.com/Robdjee/Syrvania-SSTO-C Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1660186863 Cargo Version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1871125619 K-Prize post: Kind regards, Robdjee
  6. K-Prize entry: Syrvannia SSTO Dear Kerbonauts, K-Prize committee, The other day i came across this old K-prize thread. I thought ''Yeah!''. So i unmothballed my best SSTO spaceplane and decided to take it for a literal spin. I would like to submit the following for your consideration. Today i present: Syrvania SSTO Main view: The Syrvanna SSTO is named after a faction in my favourite Ravenfield Mod. It can haul 5T of payload into LKO. This vehicle is also capable of mining and processing resources. Today, however, it deliveres a Spacecab to my LKOSS (Low Kerbin Orbit Space Station). I have cut some waity, fiddly and boring bits from my video. I hope this will give you a concise but complete account of the mission. One day i will post a more comprehensive document about this craft at the spacecraft exchange. This will do for now. Self sufficient SSTO. Includes Space Cab. Specifications (without Spacecab): Crew capacity: 4+2 Cargo capacity: 5T Weight fueled: 87.455T Dry weight: 43.765T Part count: 118 Cost: 223.307 Length: 26.3m Width: 23.7 Height: 9.3 Launch: Hold a pitch of 20dgrs until 20km. Switch engine mode and reduce thrust 30% until 70km<Ap<100km and circulize @ Ap. Re-entry: Set Pe=50km (or below 20km), Toggle brakes and maintain pitch of 20 dgrs. Fueling: Fill Mk3 LF tank to 1500. Fill all other tanks. 1:Toggle engines 2:Ladders, ramp and cargo bay 3:Toggle scanners and antenna 4:Deploy drill 5:Mine 0:Decouple Youtube footage: Side view: Front view: Interior: Docked at LKOSS: A stripped-down cargo version, named Syrvania SSTO-C, is also available at the Steam Workshop and KerbalX. That version lacks the self sufficiency but can haul a payload of 10T to LKO. KerbalX entry: https://kerbalx.com/Robdjee/Syrvania-SSTO Cargo Version: https://kerbalx.com/Robdjee/Syrvania-SSTO-C Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1660186863 Cargo Version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1871125619 Reddit post: Kind regards, Robdjee
  7. Dear Kerbonauts, Allow me to introduce myself. My ''name'' is Robdjee! I hail from the low countries. I have been playing KSP since september 2013 and have 1440+ hours on record. There were times i let KSP be but i kept coming back. The announcement of KSP2 made me especially jittery! Since then i have been lithobraking more fanaticly then ever. I got to the point where i spruced up an account on the forums, started reditting and even youtubing. Now i am visible on all platforms, even steam, with the same name. I am planninng to be very interactive and i hope to share an entire catalogue of crafts and lots of space-faring stories. Thank you for sharing, laughs, wonderment and creativity. Thank you for being a magnificent community. Kind regards, Robdjee
  8. Dear Kerbonauts, I am a long time KSP player but i had been gone for a while. I started playing again and became as fanatical as the first time i played. I intend to be more interactive, post stuff on the workshop, visit the KSP forums more often and i even started redditing and youtubing for the occasion. Recently i discovered the robotics. Awesome! I finaly made a functional helicopter. I Present to you: Mayakovski Helicopter: -10 person, main rotor-tail rotor configuration, lifting capable Helicopter. Flies great! Space: Toggle engine. R: Rotor brake. (Double tap to release first time. Only works when engine is engaged) Throttle: Lift. 1: toggle grapler and landing lights. I use Q/E for yaw and A/D for Roll, i dont know wether that causes issues for others. Part count: 57 Length: 15.5m Width: 13.3m Heigth: 3.7 Top speed: 50m/s Needs Making History and Breaking Ground DLC Side view: Front view: Youtube footage: Workshop page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1866487775. Reddit post: ttps://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/d6whw7/my_first_helicopter_and_my_first_reddit_post/ KerbalX Entry: https://kerbalx.com/Robdjee/Mayakovski-Helicopter Kind regards, Robdjee
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