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    Chicken nuggets, peppa pig, and meepo mode

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  1. IT'S WEDNESDAYYYYY MY DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. adsii1970
    2. Yeet_TheDinosaur


      It’s Thursday for us Aussies and our neighbors

    3. adsii1970


      Yeah, it's Thursday for us here, also.


  2. Melford

    Peppa Pig

    Oh well lol
  3. I said to reply to the post if you want to be my friend, i dont remember ever saying being added to my friends list lol. But hey! Thanks for being my friend.
  4. Currently have 3 friends on here YAY!!! :D

  5. YAY! I have another friend! Thank you so much lol!
  6. lol ok I wont make you watch peppa pig.
  7. do you want to be my friend lol!
  8. Ok thank you so much for taking your time to respond to me!
  9. Melford

    Peppa Pig

    If any of you watch Peppa Pig please reply on this! I just want to talk to some people about my favorite show! lol
  10. @Deddly how do i get my posts to be approved, because i want to change my profile picture but 5 of my posts need to be approved to do that.
  11. Thank you! I appreciate it!
  12. I am lonely and in need of friends. So if anyone is willing to be my friend please reply to this post lol.
  13. Hello fellow kerbals, I am new to this so dont judge me lol.
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